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Alphabetical index of all organisations, international groups, publications and people in the archive.
Use the tabs below to show the index for each entry type.
You can also browse organisations in our timeline of the Irish left.
- Abbott, Willie
- Abortion
- Abortion (exclusion of suicide) referendum, 2002
- Abortion Rights Campaign
- Abortion (travel, information) referenda, 1992
- Academic Freedom Committee
- Academics For Palestine
- Adam, Eve
- Adams, Gerry
- Advance
- Agnew, Paddy
- Ainriail [Belfast]
- Ainriail [Galway]
- Allan, Stephanie
- Allen, Karen
- Allen, Kieran
- Allen, Robert
- Alliance for Workers' Liberty
- Alliance of Health Service Unions
- Alonso, Rogelio
- Amalgamated Transport and General Workers Union
- Anarchist Bookshop Collective
- Anarchist Federation in Ireland
- Anarchist News
- Anarchist Worker
- Anarchist Workers Alliance
- Anarchist Workers Group
- Anarchy
- Anglo-Irish Agreement, 1985
- Anti-Austerity Alliance
- Anti-Austerity Alliance - People Before Profit
- Anti-Bin Tax Campaign
- Anti-Bin Tax Campaign
- Anti-Extradition News
- Anti-Fascist Action
- Anti-Fascist Action [Britain]
- Anti-Imperialist Action Ireland
- Anti-Racism Campaign
- Anti-Water Charges Campaign
- Archbold, Brendan
- Arden, John
- Armagh/H-Block Action Group
- Armagh / H-Block News
- Asmal, Kader
- Asmal, Louise
- Association of Scientific, Technical and Managerial Staffs
- Athol Books
- Aubane Historical Society
- Aughey, Arthur
- Bains, Hardial
- Baker, Paul
- Ballymena Anarchist Group
- Ballymun Echo
- Ballymun News
- Bambery, Chris
- Banshee
- Baoill, Art Ó
- Barnsley Women Against Pit Closures
- Barrett, Nick
- Barrett, Richard Boyd
- Barricade Bulletin
- Barricades Bulletin
- Barrington, Bernadette
- Barry, John
- Barry, Malcolm
- Barry, Mick
- Basketter, Simon
- Batt, Sylvie
- Beckett, John
- Beckett, Mary
- Bedford, Carmel
- Behan, Blathnaid
- Behan, Dominic
- Behan, Niall
- Belfast Anarchist Collective
- Belfast Anarchist Group
- Belfast Communist Workers Group
- Belfast Libertarian Group
- Belfast Outdoor Relief Strike, 1932
- Belfast Socialist Group
- Belfast Women's Collective
- Bell, Geoff
- Bell, The
- Bennett, Jack
- Bennett, Louie
- Berman, David
- Bermingham, Alan
- Bew, Paul
- Big Flame
- Birch, Reg
- Black and Red Press
- Blake, Alice
- Blanchardstown Housing Action Committee
- Blanket, The
- Bleakley, David
- Bloody Sunday, 1972
- Bloomer, Fiona
- Boland, Eavan
- Bolger, Paddy
- Booth, Arthur
- Booth, Brian
- Boserup, Anders
- Bottom Dog, The
- Boucher, Dermot
- Bowd, Gavin
- Bowman, Paul
- Bowman, Paul
- Boyd, Andrew
- Boyd, Stephen
- Boyer, Sandy
- Boyle, Colm
- Boyle, Hilary
- Boyle, Raymond
- Brádaigh, Ruairí Ó
- Brádaigh, Ruairí Óg Ó
- Brádaigh, Seán Ó
- Brady, Joan
- Brady, Ronan
- Brazilian Left Front
- Breathnach, Colm
- Breathnach, Deasún
- Breathnach, Prionsias
- Brennan, Aynia
- Brennan, Naomi
- Brennan, Paul
- Brighton Women and Ireland Group
- British and Irish Communist Organisation
- British Queen Visit to Ireland, 2011
- Broin, Eoin Ó
- Broughan, Tommy
- Brown, Jimmy
- Brown, Tony
- Browne, Eileen
- Browne, Harry
- Browne, Noël
- Browne, Peter
- Bruce, Alan
- Bruton, Margaret
- Bryce, Colm
- Buick, Adam
- Burca, Máirín de
- Burke, Mick
- Burton, Joan
- Butler, Hubert
- Byrne, Dermot
- Byrne, Patrick
- Byrne, Peter
- Cahill, Joe
- Callan, Charles
- Callender, Rosheen
- Campaign for an Independent Left
- Campaign for Labour Representation
- Campaign for Public Housing
- Campaigner, The
- Campbell, Patricia
- Cane, John
- Caollaí, Maolsheachlainn Ó
- Caomhánaigh, C. Ó
- Caomhanaigh, Séamus Ó
- Caorthann, An
- Captive Voice, The
- Carlin, David
- Carmody, Paddy
- Carnsore Point Campaign
- Carolan, Mary
- Carr, Alan
- Carroll, John
- Carroll, Pat
- Casey, Kevin
- Cassells, Peter
- Catalyst
- Catalyst [SA]
- Cathasaigh, Aindrias Ó
- Catney, Tony
- Ceallaigh, Caoimhain
- Ceallaigh, Daltún Ó
- Ceilleachair, Fiachra Ó
- Central Citizens Defence Committee
- Chomsky, Noam
- Church and State
- Cionnaith, Sean Ó
- Citizenship Referendum, 2004
- Clan na Gael & IRA Veterans of America, Inc.
- Clann Éirígí
- Clann na hÉireann
- Clarke, Jacqueline
- Class Politics
- Class Struggle
- Class War
- Class War
- Cleary, Mark
- Clifford, Angela
- Clifford, Brendan
- Club, The
- Coakley, Maurice
- Cohen, Felice
- Coileáin, Liam Ó
- Coiste Troda Gaedhealtacht Dhún na nGall
- Cole, Roger
- Collins, Dave
- Collins, Deirdre
- Collins, Joan
- Comhairle Uladh
- Comhlámh
- Comment
- Committee for a Marxist International
- Committee for a Workers' International
- Committee for a Workers International [Majority]
- Committee for a Workers' International [Refounded]
- Committee for the Rights of Travellers
- Committee to Oppose Ted Kennedy
- Common Market Study Group
- Communist Comment
- Communist Federation of Britain (Marxist-Leninist)
- Communist Formation
- Communist International
- Communist League
- Communist Organisation in the British Isles
- Communist Party of Britain (Marxist-Leninist)
- Communist Party of Great Britain
- Communist Party of Great Britain (Leninist grouping)
- Communist Party of Great Britain (Provisional Central Committee)
- Communist Party of Greece
- Communist Party of Ireland
- Communist Party of Ireland [1921]
- Communist Party of Ireland (Marxist-Leninist)
- Communist Party of Northern Ireland
- Communist, The
- Communist Youth Union of Ireland (Marxist-Leninist)
- Communities Against Racism Ireland
- Community Action Tenants Union
- Community and Workers' Action Group
- Congress '86
- Connaughton, Maeve
- Connell, Peter
- Connolly Association
- Connolly Centre for the Unemployed
- Connolly, Dermot
- Connolly, James
- Connolly, Robert
- Connolly Youth Movement
- Conroy, Caroline
- Conroy, Joe
- Conroy, John
- Contraception
- Conway, Anne
- Conway, James
- Coppinger, Ruth
- Corcoran, Farrel
- Corish, Brendan
- Cork Communist Organisation
- Cork Socialist Party
- Cork Unemployed Action Group
- Cork Workers' Club
- Cork Young Socialists
- Corr, Tom
- Corrigan, Sue
- Cost of Living Coalition
- Costello, Joe
- Costello, Seamus
- Coughlan, Tony
- Coulter, C.
- Coulter, Carol
- Coulter, Colin
- County Kildare Anti-War Group
- Cowan, Peadar
- Cox, Laurence
- Craig, Carole
- Craig, Joe
- Crean, Tom
- Crilly, Kieran
- Cronin, Anthony
- Cronin, Deirdre
- Cronin, Michael
- Cronin, Sean
- Cross-Community Labour Alternative
- Crossey, Ciaran
- Crowe, Sean
- Crowley, Ethel
- Cuba Support Group Ireland
- Cuba Today
- Cunningham, John
- Curran, Sally
- Curry, Seán
- CWI Ireland
- Dalton, Des
- Dalton, Rita
- Daly, Clare
- Daly, Miriam
- D'Arcy, Margaretta
- Daufouy, Philippe
- Davies, P.
- Davison, Madge
- Dawe, Gerald
- Dawn Group
- Dawn Magazine
- Deasy, Joe
- Deasy, Joseph
- Delaney, Jenny
- Delaney, Sean
- Democratic Left
- Democratic Socialist Party
- Democratic Student Front
- Denis, Gary
- Derry Anarchist Collective
- Derry Labour Party
- Derwin, Des
- Desmond, Barry
- Dessau, Heinz
- Devine, Francis
- Devine, Karen
- Devlin, Bernadette
- DiEM25
- Dillon, Paul
- Dillon, Siobhán
- Diskin, Mary
- Divorce
- Divorce Referendum, 1986
- Divorce Referendum, 1995
- Doherty, Pat
- Doherty, Vincent
- Dolan, Jemma
- Donaghy, Christine
- Donnelly, Chris
- Donnelly, Francie
- Donnelly, Pat
- Donoghue, Brendan
- Dooney, Triona
- Dorn, Robert
- Douthwaite, Richard
- Dowling, Éanna
- Downing Street Declaration, 1993
- Doyle, Kevin
- Doyle, Mick
- Doyle, Peigin
- Doyle, Valerie
- Drisceoil, Prionsias Ó
- Dubh, Peadar
- Dublin '68 Committee
- Dublin Anarchist Collective
- Dublin Anarchist Group
- Dublin Anti-Extradition Committee
- Dublin Anti-Water Charges Campaign
- Dublin Central Housing Action
- Dublin Communities Against Racism
- Dublin Council of Trade Unions
- Dublin H-Block Armagh Committee
- Dublin Housing Action Committee
- Dublin Municipal Elections, 1930
- Dublin Renters Union
- Dublin Spartacist Group
- Dublin Unemployed Action Group
- Dublin West Independent Labour News
- Duffy, Chris
- Duffy, Deirdre
- Duffy, Joe
- Duggan, Pat
- Duncan, S.
- Dunne, Cormac
- Dunne, T.
- Dunnes Stores Anti-Apartheid Strike
- Dunphy, Richard
- Dutt, R. Palme
- Dwyer, Tom
- Eagleton, Terry
- Ecology Party
- Eighth Amendment (Right to life) Referendum, 1983
- Éire Nua
- Éirígí
- Ellis, Peter Berresford
- Ellison, Graham
- Enright, Máiréad
- Environment
- Eochair, An
- European Anti-Capitalist Left
- European Communities Membership Referendum, 1972
- European Green Party
- European Monetary Union
- European Parliament Election, 1984
- European Parliament Election, 1989
- European Parliament Election, 1999
- European Union (EEC, EC, EU)
- European United Left–Nordic Green Left
- Evason, Eileen
- Extinction Rebellion
- Fabian Society
- Faller, Kevin
- Falls Curfew, 1970
- Faoite, Colm de
- Faoláin, Seán Ó
- Farrell, Clare
- Farrell, Emmet
- Farrell, Michael
- Farrell, Mike
- Farrell, Niall
- Faulkner, Jim
- Fearghail, Seán Óg Ó
- Federation of Labour Groups
- Federation of Young European Greens
- Feeney, Chekov
- Feeney, John
- Fennell, Desmond
- Fianna
- Fianna Éireann, Na [Pre 1970]
- Fianna Éireann, Na [RSF]
- Fianna Éireann, Na [SF]
- Fightback
- Fightback [IMT]
- Fighting Talk
- Fine Gael
- Fingal Voice
- Finlay, Fergus
- Finn, Daniel
- First Lisbon Treaty Referendum, 2008
- Fís Nua
- Fitzgerald, Peter
- Fitzgerald, Susan
- FitzPatrick, Denis
- Fitzpatrick, Michael
- Fitzpatrick, Steve
- Flood, Andrew
- Flood, J.
- Flynn, Gerry
- Flynn, Hugh
- Flynn, Rosanna
- Focalín
- Focus
- Focus [Comhlámh]
- Foley, Conor
- Foley, Denis
- Foley, Gerry
- Foley, Michael
- Forde, Neil
- Fortnight
- Forum
- Forward
- Fourth International
- Fourth International [Reunified]
- Fourthwrite
- Fownes Street Journal
- Fox, Carol
- Fox, Mary
- Free Citizen
- Free Margaretta D'Arcy Campaign
- Free Press, The
- Freedom
- Freedom News
- Freedom Press
- Freedom Struggle
- Freeman, Mike
- Friends of the Union
- Fronta Nua
- Frontline Collective
- Frow, Edmund
- Frow, Ruth
- Furey, Kieran
- Furlong, Áine
- Gabhann, Eibhlín Ní
- Gall, Rex Mac
- Gallagher, James
- Gallagher, Lionel
- Gallagher, Maureen
- Gallagher, Willie
- Galway Worker
- Gardner, Katy
- Garland, Seán
- Gates, Carmel
- Gavan, Paul
- Gay Community News
- Geaney, Finn
- General Election, 1977
- General Election, 1981
- General Election, 1987
- General Election, 1989
- General Election, 1997
- General Election, 2002
- General Election, 2007
- General Election, 2011
- General Election, 2020
- General Election, February 1982
- General Election, November 1982
- Geraghty, Des
- Geraghty, Tom
- Gerhardt, Paul
- Ghoill, Martin Mac An
- Ghrian Dhearg, An
- Gibbons, C. A.
- Gibbons, Luke
- Gibbons, Marion
- Gibney, Dave
- Gibney, David
- Gilbert, Simon
- Gill, Karl
- Gillan, Paddy
- Gillespie, Paul
- Gillespie, Una
- Gilmore, Eamon
- Gilmore, George
- Glacken, Eddie
- Glaser-Baur, Herman
- Glenn, Francis
- Glennon, Mags
- Global Ecosocialist Network
- Global Greens
- Gluaiseacht
- Gogan, Johnny
- Gogarty, Frank
- Goldring, Maurice
- Good Friday Agreement Referendum, 1998
- Goodwillie, John
- Goodwin, Liam
- Gordon, Mary
- Gorman, Tomás
- Gorman, Tommy
- Gormley, John
- Gottlieb, Ariel
- Goulding, Cathal
- Graham, Alistair
- Gralton
- Grant, Ted
- Grapevine
- Gray, John
- Greaves, C. Desmond
- Greaves, Desmond
- Greek Solidarity Committee
- Green Alliance
- Green, Clare
- Green, Marion
- Green Party
- Green Party in Northern Ireland
- Greens–European Free Alliance
- Gregory, Tony
- Grey, May
- Grille
- Grogan, Dick
- Ground Rent
- Hadden, Peter
- Haines, Lila
- Hall, Stuart
- Halligan, Brendan
- Hamill, Nora
- Hamilton, Billy
- Hamilton, Douglas
- Hamilton, Martin
- Hanahoe, Tom
- Hands Off Ireland!
- Hanley, Brian
- Hanrahan, Ray
- Harnett, Niall
- Harrington, Joe
- Harris, Eoghan
- Harris, Noel
- Harrison, Brendan
- Harrold, Rita
- Hartnett, Barney
- Harvey, Nichola
- Hawkes, Barbara
- Hayden, Stephen
- Hayes, Mark
- Hayes, Sean
- Hayes, Tom
- Hazelkorn, Ellen
- Healy, Paddy
- Healy, Seamus
- Healy, Tom
- Hearne, Rory
- Heatley, Fred
- Heatley, Robert W.
- Hegarty, Patricia
- Henchion, Catríona
- Henskeagh, Reuben
- Heron, Brian
- Hewitt, John
- Hewitt, Mark
- Hibernia
- Hickey, Margaret
- Higgins, Joe
- Higgins, Michael D.
- Hill, G.
- Hobsbawm, Eric
- Holborow, Marnie
- Homeless Fightback
- Hope, James
- Hope, Jemmy
- Hopkins, Stephen
- Horgan, Edward
- Horgan, Goretti
- Horgan, John
- Housing and Homelessness
- Hughes, Aiden
- Hughes, Breedagh
- Hughes, Brendan
- Hughes, Des
- Hunger Strike Bulletin
- Hunger Strikes, 1980/81
- Hunt, Peter
- Hunter, W.
- Hurley, Paul
- Hussey, Matthew
- Hutchinson, Harry
- Hynds, Imelda
- Ikurusi, Philip
- INC News
- Independent Labour [CWI]
- Independent Labour Party
- Independent Labour Publications
- Independent Left
- Independent Socialist
- Independent Socialist Party
- Independents 4 Change
- Independents for Equality Movement
- Industrial Relations Act, 1990
- Industrial Workers of the World Ireland
- Inglis, Tom
- Initiative of Communist and Workers' Parties
- Intercontinental Press
- Interface
- International Affairs Bulletin
- International Committee of the Fourth International
- International Communist League (Fourth Internationalist)
- International Libertarian Solidarity
- International Marxist Group
- International Marxist Tendency
- International Marxist Tendency in Ireland
- International Meeting of Communist and Workers' Parties
- International of Anarchist Federations
- International Revolutionary Marxist Centre
- International Socialism
- International Socialist Alternative
- International Socialist League of Ireland
- International Socialist Tendency
- International Socialists
- International Socialists [UK]
- International Spartacist Tendency
- International Tribunal on Crimes against Women, 1976
- International Viewpoint
- International Workers' Association
- International Workers' Day
- International Workers League - Fourth International
- International Working Union of Socialist Parties [2½ International]
- Internationalists, The
- Internment in Northern Ireland
- Iraq War, 2003
- Iraq War / Gulf War, 1991
- Ireland
- Ireland from Below
- Ireland Palestine Solidarity Campaign
- Iris
- Irish Anarchist Network
- Irish Anti-Apartheid Movement
- Irish Anti-Extradition Committee
- Irish Anti-War Movement
- Irish Association of Civil Liberty
- Irish Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament
- Irish Committee for a Socialist Programme
- Irish Communist Group
- Irish Communist Movement (Marxist-Leninist)
- Irish Communist Organisation
- Irish Communist Party
- Irish Communist, The
- Irish Congress of Trade Unions
- Irish Democrat
- Irish El Salvador Support Committee
- Irish Family Planning Association
- Irish Feminist Information Publications
- Irish Freedom
- Irish Freedom Movement
- Irish Labour History Society
- Irish Language
- Irish Liberation Press
- Irish Marxist Society
- Irish National Congress
- Irish National Liberation Solidarity Front
- Irish Neutrality
- Irish People, The
- Irish Political Review
- Irish Press
- Irish Publicity Service
- Irish Reporter
- Irish Republican Comrades Association
- Irish Republican Prisoners Support Group
- Irish Republican Socialist Committees of North America
- Irish Republican Socialist News
- Irish Republican Socialist Party
- Irish Republican Writers Group
- Irish Revolutionary Forces
- Irish School-Students Union
- Irish Socialist
- Irish Socialist Network
- Irish Socialist Republican Party
- Irish Socialist Republicans
- Irish Socialist Review
- Irish Sovereignty Movement
- Irish Student Movement
- Irish Student, The
- Irish Television Producers Association
- Irish Transport and General Workers' Union
- Irish Volunteers
- Irish Woman's Right to Choose Group
- Irish Women United
- Irish Women's Liberation Movement
- Irish Worker League
- Irish Worker, The
- Irish Workers' Group [1966]
- Irish Workers' Group [1976]
- Irish Workers Group Tendency
- Irish Workers' League
- Irish Workers' Party
- Irish Workers' Union
- Irish Young Socialists
- Irvine, John
- Kallen, Jeff
- Kallen, Molly
- Kaur, Prunella
- Kavanagh, Art
- Kavanagh, Bob
- Keane, Denis
- Keating, Niav
- Keenan, Joe
- Keenan, Margaret
- Kelleher, Derry
- Kelleher, Terry
- Kelly, Brendan
- Kelly, Brian
- Kelly, Gerry
- Kelly, Jimmy
- Kelly, Joan
- Kelly, John
- Kelly, Nicky
- Kelly, Pearse
- Kelly, Phelim
- Kelly, Sean
- Kemmy, Jim
- Kennedy, Lorraine
- Kennedy, Sinéad
- Kent, Gary
- Kerr, Gregor
- Kerr, Jim
- Kerrigan, Gene
- Kiberd, Damien
- Kildare 6 Defence Committee
- Kilmartin, Brian
- Kilmurray, Avila
- Kilmurray, Evanne
- King, Tarka
- Kinkead, Brian
- Kirby, Peadar
- Kostick, Conor
- Labour
- Labour
- Labour '87
- Labour and Socialist International
- Labour & Trade Union Coordinating Group
- Labour & Trade Union Group
- Labour Coalition
- Labour History News
- Labour Left
- Labour Left
- Labour News Bulletin
- Labour Party [Britain]
- Labour Party in Northern Ireland
- Labour Party of Northern Ireland
- Labour Party of Northern Ireland [1998]
- Labour Party Young Socialists
- Labour Review, The
- Labour Youth
- Lake, Robert
- Lally, Grace
- Lally, John
- Lalor, Brigid
- Landy, David
- Lane, Fintan
- Lane, Jack
- Lane, Jim
- Lannon, John
- Larkin, Denis
- Larkin, James
- Larkin Unemployed Centre
- Larragy, James
- Lasair Dhearg
- Lawless, Gery
- Lawlor, Chris
- Lawrenson, Kevin
- Le Chéile
- League for a Revolutionary Communist International
- League for a Workers Republic
- League for a Workers' Vanguard
- League for the Fifth International
- League of Communist Republicans
- Lee, Dave
- Left Alliance
- Left Perspectives
- Left Republican Review
- Left Revolutionary Group
- Left Tribune
- Left Unity
- Leftline
- Leninist, The
- Leveller, The
- Lewis, Stephen
- LGBTQ+ Rights
- Liaison Committee of the Labour Left
- Liberty Magazine
- Liberty News
- Lieshout, Mary Van
- Limerick-Shannon Anti-Cheap Labour League
- Limerick Socialist
- Limerick Socialist Organisation
- Limerick Soviet, 1919
- Little, Paul
- Lloyd, David
- Lloyd, John
- Local Elections, 1967
- Local Elections, 1979
- Local Elections, 1991
- Local Elections (Northern Ireland), 1967
- Local Elections (Northern Ireland), 1993
- Lönnroth, Johan
- Loingsigh, Micheál S. Ó
- Look Left
- Loughgall Ambush
- Lowe, Fred
- Lowry, John
- Lowy, Michael
- Lucy, Gordon
- Lynch, Conor
- Lynch, Jerry
- Lynch, Kathleen
- Lynch, Seamus
- Lynn, Billy
- Lyons, J.
- Lysaght, D. R. O'Connor
- Lysaght, Rayner
- Maastricht Treaty Referendum, 1992
- MacAonghusa, Proinsias
- MacCraith, Aindrias
- MacDara, Dara
- MacDiarmada, Mairtín
- MacDonogh, Pat
- MacDowell, Vincent
- MacEoin, Art
- MacGiolla, Tomás
- Macken, Michael
- MacMahon, Mary
- MacMaolain, Liam
- MacNamidhe, Ciarán
- MacNeill, Dara
- MacNeill, Rory
- MacNeill, Ruaidhri
- MacRaghnaill, Donacha
- MacSimóin, Alan
- MacSté, Pól
- MacThomáis, Eamonn
- MacThomas, Hilda
- Madden, Jack
- Magee, John
- Magennis, Eoin
- Maguire, Catherine
- Maguire, F.J.
- Maguire, John
- Maguire, Manus
- Maher, Mary
- Mair, Peter
- Making Sense
- Malone, Deirdre
- Mansfield, Peter
- Marie and Noel Murray Case
- Marmion, Sean
- Marren, Padraig
- Marriage Equality Referendum, 2015
- Martin, Moira
- Martin, Noel
- Marxism Today
- Marxist Forum
- Marxist-Leninist Journal
- Marxist Leninist Quarterly
- Marxist-Leninist Weekly
- Marxist Review
- Matgamna, Seán
- Maxton, Hugh
- McAdam, Marie
- McAliskey, Bernadette
- McAnulty, John
- McAuley, Frances
- McBride, Dermot
- McCabe, Anton
- McCabe, Martin
- McCamley, John
- McCann, Eamonn
- McCann, Ellen
- McCann, Joe
- McCarron, Des
- McCartan, Eugene
- McCartan, Pat
- McCarthy, Dec
- McCarthy, Paul
- McClelland, Aiken
- McClelland, Maureen
- McCormack, Bill
- McCormack, Owen
- McCullough, W. H.
- McDermott, Derry
- McDermott, Eilish
- McDermott, Peter
- McDonagh, Dave
- McDonagh, Eugene
- McDonald, Henry
- McDonald, Joe
- McDonnell, John
- McGeown, John
- McGirl, John Joe
- McGonagle, Marie
- McGrath, Sean
- McGuigan, Alex
- McGuinness, Catherine
- McGuinness, Martin
- McGuinness, Shiela
- McGurran, Malachy
- McHugh, Ronan
- McInerney, Maura
- McInerney, Michael
- McIntyre, Anthony
- McKearney, Tommy
- McKenna, Patricia
- McKenna, Pearse
- McKeown, Lawrence
- McKinney, Ryan
- McLaughlin, Mitchel
- McLean, Ian
- McLean, Jan
- McLennan, Gordon
- McLoone, Martin
- McLoughlin, Kevin
- McLoughlin, Michael
- McLoughlin, Mick
- McMahon, Mary
- McManus, Liz
- McManus, Seán
- McMillen, Billy
- McMillen, Liam
- McMullen, Jackie
- McMullen, William
- McNamara, Jim
- McVeigh, Joseph
- McVeigh, Robbie
- McVerry, Peter
- McWilliams, Edward
- McWilliams, Monica
- Meehan, John
- Meehan, Maurice
- Meranne, Paulo
- Merrigan, Matt
- Mhuirí, Pádraigín Ní
- Mica Action Group
- Michail, Loizos
- Migrants and Ethnic Minorities for Reproductive Justice
- Militant
- Militant
- Militant Irish Monthly
- Militant Labour
- Militant Left
- Millar, Scott
- Miller, David
- Miller, Mike
- Milotte, Mike
- Mincéir Misli
- Miner, The
- Mitchell, Billy
- Moloney, Paul
- Molyneux, John
- Monaghan, James
- Mongain, Séamus Ó
- Montagu, Ivor
- Montague, Pat
- Monteagudo, Graciela
- Montgomery, John
- Mooney, Máirín
- Moore, Linda
- Morgan, Austen
- Morgan, Seamus
- Moriarty, Therese
- Morley, Kevin
- Morris, Stephen
- Morris, Steven
- Morrison, Danny
- Morrison, Eve
- Morrison, Jonathan
- Morrissey, Michael
- Morrissey, Seán
- Morton, Bruce
- Movement for a Revolutionary Communist International
- Movement for a Socialist Republic
- Moynagh, James
- Muircheartaigh, Antóin Ó
- Muldowney, Mary
- Mulholland, Ciarán
- Mulholland, John
- Mulholland, Marc
- Mulholland, Niall
- Mulholland, Padraig
- Mulrooney, Gretta
- Munck, Ronnie
- Murchú, Eoin Ó
- Murney, Stephen
- Murphy, Conor
- Murphy, J. D.
- Murphy, Mick
- Murphy, Seamus
- Murray Defence Committee
- Murray, Kevin
- Murray, Seán
- Musicians’ Union of Ireland
- National Animal Rights Association
- National Association for Irish Justice
- National College of Art Students Union
- National Council for Civil Liberties [UK]
- National Democratic Party
- National Federation of Shop Stewards and Rank and File Committees
- National Graves Association
- National H-Block / Armagh Committee
- National Labour Party
- National Party
- National Political Front
- National Progressive Democrats
- National Union of Mineworkers
- National Wages Agreements, 1970s
- Natural Resources
- Necessity for Change Institute of Anti-Imperialist Studies
- Neligan, Dave
- Nevin, E. T.
- New Agenda
- New Books Publications
- New Communist Party
- New Earth
- New Ireland Forum
- New Left Journal
- New Republican Forum
- Newtownabbey Labour Party
- Next Step, The
- Nice Treaty Referendum, 2001
- Nice Treaty Referendum, 2002
- Nicky Kelly Campaign
- Nixon, John
- No Quarter
- Nolan, Dermot
- Nolan, Fergus
- Nolan, Sam
- Nolan, Seán
- North Dublin Bay Housing Crisis Community
- North, John
- Northern Ireland Assembly Election, 1982
- Northern Ireland Assembly Election, 2003
- Northern Ireland Assembly Election, 2007
- Northern Ireland Assembly Election, 2022
- Northern Ireland Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament
- Northern Ireland Civil Rights Association
- Northern Ireland Consititutional Convention, 1975
- Northern Ireland Framework Documents, 1995
- Northern Ireland Labour Party
- Northern Ireland Public Service Alliance
- Northern Ireland Report
- Northern Ireland Socialist Research Centre
- Northern Ireland Women's Rights Movement
- Northern Ireland Young Communist League
- Northern Star, The
- Northwest Labour Publications
- Notes and Comments
- Nuclear Energy
- Nugent, Kieran
- O'Brien, Eamonn
- O'Brien, George
- O'Brien, Michael
- O'Brien, Patrick J.
- O'Brien, Paul
- O'Carroll, Aileen
- Occupy Dame Street
- O'Cianain, Garry
- O'Cofaigh, Donal
- O'Comain, Liam
- O'Connell, Deirdre
- O'Connor, Claire
- O'Connor, Emmet
- O'Connor, Fergus
- O'Connor, Louise
- O'Connor, Orla
- O'Connor, Pat
- O'Connor, Philip
- O'Connor, Tom
- O'Doherty, Malachi
- O'Donnell, Cormac
- O'Donnell, Peadar
- O'Duffy, Molly
- O'Farrell, Con
- Official Republican Movement
- Official Sinn Féin - IRSP Split, 1974
- Ógra Shinn Féin
- O'Grady, Peadar
- O'Hagan, Des
- O'Hanlon, Jon
- O'Hara, Sarah
- O'Hare, Sean
- O'Leary, John
- O'Leary, Margaret
- O'Leary, Michael
- O'Loughlin, Fiona
- O'Mahony, Rose
- O'Malley, Chris
- O'Meara, Kathleen
- O'Neill, Eoghain
- O'Neill, J.
- O'Neill, John
- O'Neill, Sadhbh
- O'Quigley, Gerard
- O'Reilly, Gerald
- O'Reilly, Gerald
- O'Reilly, Louise
- Organise!
- Organise! Anarcho-Syndicalist Federation
- Organise! (Solidarity Federation)
- Organising Committee for the Reconstruction of the Fourth International
- O'Riain, Colm
- O'Riordan, Manus
- O'Riordan, Michael
- O'Rourke, Lily
- O'Ruairc, Liam
- O'Ryan, Cormac
- O'Sé, Seafra
- O'Shannon, Cathal
- Other View, The
- O'Toole, Bridget
- Palmer, G.
- Palmer, Geoff
- Palmer, John
- Party of European Socialists
- Patsy O'Hara Youth Movement
- Patterson, Henry
- Pavee
- Peace and Neutrality Alliance
- Pentel, Sue
- People Before Profit
- People Before Profit/Solidarity
- People's Democracy
- People's Movement
- Peoples Rights Committee
- People's Voice
- Perry, Cieran
- Phoblacht Abú, An
- Phoblacht, An
- Phoblacht, An [IRF]
- Phoblacht Republican News, An
- Pinter, Mike
- Plough, The
- Plough, The
- Poblacht na nOibrithe
- Postworker Bulletin
- Price, Marian
- Price, Mark
- Prisoners Rights
- Prisoners' Rights Organisation
- Progressive Alliance
- Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats
- Progressive International
- Progressive Unionist Party
- Proletarian [COBI]
- Proletarian, The [ISLI]
- Proportional Representation Referendum, 1968
- Provisional Sinn Féin
- Purcell, Betty
- Purdie, Bob
- Purser, Vasco
- Purvis, Dawn
- Rabbitte, Pat
- Rabharta Glas - Green Left, An
- Raftery, A.
- Raise the Roof
- Reabhloid, An
- Rebel
- Reclaim the Agenda
- Red Action
- Red Action
- Red Action [Britain]
- Red & Black Revolution
- Red Banner
- Red Banner [ISLI]
- Red Network
- Red Patriot
- Red Republican Party
- Redlich, Patricia
- Redmond, Seán
- Redmond, Tom
- Religion, Church and State
- Repeal of the Eighth Amendment Referendum, 2018
- Repsol
- Republican Bulletin
- Republican Clubs
- Republican Congress
- Republican Labour Party
- Republican Network for Unity
- Republican News
- Republican Sinn Féin
- Republican Socialist Tendency
- Republican Socialist Youth Movement
- Republican Worker
- Republican Worker Tendency
- Resistance
- Resistance [CPGB]
- Resistance [ISN]
- Resistance [URC]
- Resources Protection Campaign
- Resources Study Group
- Revolutionary Anarcha-Feminist Group
- Revolutionary Communist Group
- Revolutionary Communist International
- Revolutionary Communist League of Britain
- Revolutionary Communist Party
- Revolutionary Communist Tendency
- Revolutionary Communists of Ireland
- Revolutionary History
- Revolutionary Housing League
- Revolutionary Marxist Group
- Revolutionary Socialist Party
- Revolutionary Socialist Student Federation
- Revolutionary Struggle
- Revolutionary Workers' Groups
- Revolutionary Workers Party
- Riain, Seán Ó
- Richardson, Sue
- Riddick, Ruth
- Riddy, John
- Rigal, Jocelyne
- Right to Change
- Right2Change
- Right2Water
- Ripening of Time Collective
- Ripening of Time, The
- Rı́ordáin, Aodhán Ó
- Robbins, Frank
- Roberts, Kieran
- Robinson, Meg
- Rock, Hilary
- Rodgers, Eleanor
- Roe, Brian
- Róiste, R. De
- Rolston, Bill
- Ronald Reagan Visit to Ireland, 1984
- Rosc Catha
- Rose, Kieran
- Rosenstock, Gabriel
- Ross, Fearghal
- Rossa, Proinsias De
- Roulston, Carmel
- Rourke, Peter O'
- Ruddock, Joe
- Ruddy, Gerry
- Rush, Elaine
- Ryan, Brendan
- Sallins Train robbery
- Sands, Bobby
- Saoirse
- Saor Éire [1931]
- Saor Éire [1967]
- Saor Éire [Cork]
- Saoradh
- Sargent, Trevor
- Savage, Jim
- Savin, Jerome
- Scéim na gCeardchumann
- Scott, Brendan
- Seal, Vivien
- Seanad Elections, 1989
- Second International
- Section 31 of the Broadcasting Act
- Services, Industrial, Professional and Technical Union
- Sevitt, D.
- Shankill Bulletin
- Shankill Education Workshop
- Shankill Think Tank
- Shannon Airport (Military Use)
- Shannonwatch
- Share the Wealth Campaign
- Sheehan, Helena
- Sheehan, Maurice
- Sheehy, John
- Sheehy-Skeffington, Hanna
- Shell to Sea
- Sherlock, Joe
- Sherry, Julie
- Silke, Henry
- Sinclair, Betty
- Sinclair, Colin
- Single European Act Referendum, 1987
- Sinn Féin
- Sinn Féin [Official]
- Sinn Féin [Pre 1970]
- Sinn Féin Republican Youth
- Sinn Féin Split, 1969
- Sinn Féin The Workers' Party
- Siomóin, Tomás Mac
- SIPTU Fightback
- Sligo/Leitrim Independent Socialist Organisation
- Sligo Star
- Smeaton, Brian
- Smith, Ailbhe
- Smith, Bríd
- Smullen, Eamonn
- Smyth, Kevin
- Smyth, Paddy
- Smyth, Pat
- Social Democratic and Labour Party
- Social Democrats
- Social Partnership
- Socialism 2000
- Socialist Alternative
- Socialist Democracy
- Socialist Digest
- Socialist Environmental Alliance
- Socialist International
- Socialist Labour Action Group
- Socialist Labour Alliance
- Socialist Labour League
- Socialist Labour Party
- Socialist Organiser Alliance
- Socialist Party
- Socialist Party [England & Wales]
- Socialist Party of Great Britain
- Socialist Party of Ireland [1909]
- Socialist Party of Ireland [1949]
- Socialist Party of Ireland [1970]
- Socialist Party of Northern Ireland
- Socialist Platform
- Socialist Republic
- Socialist Republican
- Socialist Republican Collective
- Socialist Republican Party
- Socialist Review Group
- Socialist Revolutionary Group of Ireland
- Socialist, The [SPEW]
- Socialist View
- Socialist Voice [Dublin]
- Socialist Women's Group
- Socialist Worker
- Socialist Worker Review
- Socialist Workers' Movement
- Socialist Workers' Network
- Socialist Workers' Party
- Socialist Workers' Party [UK]
- Socialist Workers' Tendency
- Socialist Youth
- Socialists Against Nationalism
- Solas, An
- Solidarity
- Solidarity - People Before Profit
- Solomon, Lin
- Sound Post
- Sovereign Nation, The
- Spark
- Spartacist Group Ireland
- Spartacist Ireland
- Spartacist League
- Spectre
- Speed, Anne
- Spirit of Freedom
- Spray, Glen
- Spréach, An
- Squatter
- Stagg, Emmet
- Stalin, Joseph
- Stanley, Nigel
- Starry Plough, The [Derry]
- Starry Plough, The [IRSP]
- Starry Plough, The [SF]
- Steenson, Gerard
- Stevens, Helena
- Stewart, Edwina
- Stewart, James
- Storey, Andy
- Straeten, Serge Van der
- Students for Democratic Action
- Subversion
- Sullivan, John
- Sullivan, Rosemary
- Sunningdale Agreement, 1973
- SuperSpi
- Suttle, Áine
- Sweeney, Paul
- Swift, John
- Syndicalist Solidarity Network
- t-Ógláċ, An
- Taaffe, Peter
- Taggart, Henry
- Taisce, An
- Take Back Trinity
- Tallaght Committee to Support Mine Workers
- Tallion, Ruth
- Teoiric
- This Week
- Thomey, Esther
- Thompson, Gary
- Thompson, William
- Throne, John
- Tierney, Louise
- Times Change
- Together for Yes
- tÓglách, An
- Tomlinson, Mike
- Tone, Wolfe
- Tourish, Dennis
- Trade Union Campaign Against Repression
- Trade Union Campaign to Repeal the Eighth Amendment
- Trade Union Co-ordinating Committee Against Repression
- Trade Unionist, The
- Trade Unionists for Irish Unity and Independence
- Trainor, Taryn
- Transport Workers Union
- Travellers' Rights
- Treaty on Stability, Coordination and Governance in the Economic and Monetary Union Referendum
- Trench, Brian
- Trinity Anti-Imperialist Propaganda Committee
- Trinity BDS
- Tuama, Ciara Ní
- Turner, Brian
- Twomey, Carrie
- Waine, Matt
- Walker, Chris
- Walker, Ernest
- Wallace, Mick
- Walsh, Ed
- Walsh, Lynn
- Ward, Margaret
- Warren, Bill
- Water Charges News
- Water Services Workers Ireland
- Waterford People's Party
- Waters, Debbie
- Westminster Election (NI), 1966
- Westminster Election (NI), 1979
- Wheatley, David
- Whelan, Dermot
- White, Bob
- White, Caroline
- Wilson, Des
- Wilson, Robin
- Wingfield, Kevin
- Wolfe Tone Society
- Women Against Imperialism
- Women's Action
- Women's Liberation Movement
- Women's View
- Wood, Alex
- Wood Quay Occupation News
- Woodworth, Paddy
- Words and Comment
- Worker, The
- Workers Alliance for Action
- Workers' & Unemployed Action Group
- Workers and Unemployed Movement
- Workers' and Unemployed News
- Workers' Association, The
- Workers Briefing
- Workers' Fight
- Workers' Fight
- Workers Hammer
- Workers International to Rebuild the Fourth International
- Workers' League
- Workers' Liberty
- Workers' Life
- Workers Party of Ireland
- Workers' Party Report
- Workers' Party, The
- Workers' Party, The [AC]
- Workers' Party, The [NBC]
- Workers Party Youth
- Workers' Power
- Workers Power [UK]
- Workers' Republic
- Workers Revolutionary Party
- Workers Revolutionary Party (Workers' Press)
- Workers Solidarity
- Workers' Solidarity Movement
- Workers' Weekly
- Working Class Action
- Working Class Action Newsletter
- Working Class Resistance
- World Federation of Democratic Youth
- World Socialist Movement
- World Socialist Party
- Wrynn, James