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Alphabetical index of all organisations, international groups, publications and people in the archive.
Use the tabs below to show the full index or the index for each entry type.
- Abbott, Willie
- Abortion
- Abortion (exclusion of suicide) referendum, 2002
- Abortion Rights Campaign
- Abortion (travel, information) referenda, 1992
- Academic Freedom Committee
- Academics For Palestine
- Adam, Eve
- Adams, Gerry
- Advance
- Agnew, Paddy
- Ainriail [Belfast]
- Ainriail [Galway]
- Allan, Stephanie
- Allen, Karen
- Allen, Kieran
- Allen, Robert
- Alliance for Workers' Liberty
- Alliance of Health Service Unions
- Alonso, Rogelio
- Amalgamated Transport and General Workers Union
- Anarchist Bookshop Collective
- Anarchist Federation in Ireland
- Anarchist News
- Anarchist Worker
- Anarchist Workers Alliance
- Anarchist Workers Group
- Anarchy
- Anglo-Irish Agreement, 1985
- Anti-Austerity Alliance
- Anti-Austerity Alliance - People Before Profit
- Anti-Bin Tax Campaign
- Anti-Extradition News
- Anti-Fascist Action
- Anti-Fascist Action [Britain]
- Anti-Imperialist Action Ireland
- Anti-Racism Campaign
- Anti-Water Charges Campaign
- Archbold, Brendan
- Arden, John
- Armagh/H-Block Action Group
- Armagh / H-Block News
- Asmal, Kader
- Asmal, Louise
- Association of Scientific, Technical and Managerial Staffs
- Athol Books
- Aubane Historical Society
- Aughey, Arthur
- Bains, Hardial
- Baker, Paul
- Ballymena Anarchist Group
- Ballymun Echo
- Ballymun News
- Bambery, Chris
- Banshee
- Baoill, Art Ó
- Barnsley Women Against Pit Closures
- Barrett, Nick
- Barrett, Richard Boyd
- Barricade Bulletin
- Barricades Bulletin
- Barrington, Bernadette
- Barry, John
- Barry, Malcolm
- Barry, Mick
- Basketter, Simon
- Batt, Sylvie
- Beckett, John
- Beckett, Mary
- Bedford, Carmel
- Behan, Blathnaid
- Behan, Dominic
- Behan, Niall
- Belfast Anarchist Collective
- Belfast Anarchist Group
- Belfast Communist Workers Group
- Belfast Libertarian Group
- Belfast Outdoor Relief Strike, 1932
- Belfast Socialist Group
- Belfast Women's Collective
- Bell, Geoff
- Bell, The
- Bennett, Jack
- Bennett, Louie
- Berman, David
- Bermingham, Alan
- Bew, Paul
- Big Flame
- Birch, Reg
- Black and Red Press
- Blake, Alice
- Blanchardstown Housing Action Committee
- Blanket, The
- Bleakley, David
- Bloody Sunday, 1972
- Bloomer, Fiona
- Boland, Eavan
- Bolger, Paddy
- Booth, Arthur
- Booth, Brian
- Boserup, Anders
- Bottom Dog, The
- Boucher, Dermot
- Bowd, Gavin
- Bowman, Paul
- Bowman, Paul
- Boyd, Andrew
- Boyd, Stephen
- Boyer, Sandy
- Boyle, Colm
- Boyle, Hilary
- Boyle, Raymond
- Brádaigh, Ruairí Ó
- Brádaigh, Ruairí Óg Ó
- Brádaigh, Seán Ó
- Brady, Joan
- Brady, Ronan
- Brazilian Left Front
- Breathnach, Colm
- Breathnach, Deasún
- Breathnach, Prionsias
- Brennan, Aynia
- Brennan, Naomi
- Brennan, Paul
- Brighton Women and Ireland Group
- British and Irish Communist Organisation
- British Queen Visit to Ireland, 2011
- Broin, Eoin Ó
- Broughan, Tommy
- Brown, Jimmy
- Brown, Tony
- Browne, Eileen
- Browne, Harry
- Browne, Noël
- Browne, Peter
- Bruce, Alan
- Bruton, Margaret
- Bryce, Colm
- Buick, Adam
- Burca, Máirín de
- Burke, Mick
- Burton, Joan
- Butler, Hubert
- Byrne, Dermot
- Byrne, Patrick
- Byrne, Peter
- Cahill, Joe
- Callan, Charles
- Callender, Rosheen
- Campaign for an Independent Left
- Campaign for Labour Representation
- Campaign for Public Housing
- Campaigner, The
- Campbell, Patricia
- Cane, John
- Caollaí, Maolsheachlainn Ó
- Caomhánaigh, C. Ó
- Caomhanaigh, Séamus Ó
- Caorthann, An
- Captive Voice, The
- Carlin, David
- Carmody, Paddy
- Carnsore Point Campaign
- Carolan, Mary
- Carr, Alan
- Carroll, John
- Carroll, Pat
- Casey, Kevin
- Cassells, Peter
- Catalyst
- Catalyst [SA]
- Cathasaigh, Aindrias Ó
- Catney, Tony
- Ceallaigh, Caoimhain
- Ceallaigh, Daltún Ó
- Ceilleachair, Fiachra Ó
- Central Citizens Defence Committee
- Chomsky, Noam
- Church and State
- Cionnaith, Sean Ó
- Citizenship Referendum, 2004
- Clan na Gael & IRA Veterans of America, Inc.
- Clann Éirígí
- Clann na hÉireann
- Clarke, Jacqueline
- Class Politics
- Class Struggle
- Class War
- Class War
- Cleary, Mark
- Clifford, Angela
- Clifford, Brendan
- Club, The
- Coakley, Maurice
- Cohen, Felice
- Coileáin, Liam Ó
- Coiste Troda Gaedhealtacht Dhún na nGall
- Cole, Roger
- Collins, Dave
- Collins, Deirdre
- Collins, Joan
- Comhairle Uladh
- Comhlámh
- Comment
- Committee for a Marxist International
- Committee for a Workers' International
- Committee for a Workers International [Majority]
- Committee for a Workers' International [Refounded]
- Committee for the Rights of Travellers
- Committee to Oppose Ted Kennedy
- Common Market Study Group
- Communist Comment
- Communist Federation of Britain (Marxist-Leninist)
- Communist Formation
- Communist International
- Communist League
- Communist Organisation in the British Isles
- Communist Party of Britain (Marxist-Leninist)
- Communist Party of Great Britain
- Communist Party of Great Britain (Leninist grouping)
- Communist Party of Great Britain (Provisional Central Committee)
- Communist Party of Greece
- Communist Party of Ireland
- Communist Party of Ireland [1921]
- Communist Party of Ireland (Marxist-Leninist)
- Communist Party of Northern Ireland
- Communist, The
- Communist Youth Union of Ireland (Marxist-Leninist)
- Communities Against Racism Ireland
- Community Action Tenants Union
- Community and Workers' Action Group
- Congress '86
- Connaughton, Maeve
- Connell, Peter
- Connolly Association
- Connolly Centre for the Unemployed
- Connolly, Dermot
- Connolly, James
- Connolly, Robert
- Connolly Youth Movement
- Conroy, Caroline
- Conroy, Joe
- Conroy, John
- Contraception
- Conway, Anne
- Conway, James
- Coppinger, Ruth
- Corcoran, Farrel
- Corish, Brendan
- Cork Communist Organisation
- Cork Socialist Party
- Cork Unemployed Action Group
- Cork Workers' Club
- Cork Young Socialists
- Corr, Tom
- Corrigan, Sue
- Cost of Living Coalition
- Costello, Joe
- Costello, Seamus
- Coughlan, Tony
- Coulter, C.
- Coulter, Carol
- Coulter, Colin
- County Kildare Anti-War Group
- Cowan, Peadar
- Cox, Laurence
- Craig, Carole
- Craig, Joe
- Crean, Tom
- Crilly, Kieran
- Cronin, Anthony
- Cronin, Deirdre
- Cronin, Michael
- Cronin, Sean
- Cross-Community Labour Alternative
- Crossey, Ciaran
- Crowe, Sean
- Crowley, Ethel
- Cuba Support Group Ireland
- Cuba Today
- Cunningham, John
- Curran, Sally
- Curry, Seán
- CWI Ireland
- Dalton, Des
- Dalton, Rita
- Daly, Clare
- Daly, Miriam
- D'Arcy, Margaretta
- Daufouy, Philippe
- Davies, P.
- Davison, Madge
- Dawe, Gerald
- Dawn Group
- Dawn Magazine
- Deasy, Joe
- Deasy, Joseph
- Delaney, Jenny
- Delaney, Sean
- Democratic Left
- Democratic Socialist Party
- Democratic Student Front
- Denis, Gary
- Derry Anarchist Collective
- Derry Labour Party
- Derwin, Des
- Desmond, Barry
- Dessau, Heinz
- Devine, Francis
- Devine, Karen
- Devlin, Bernadette
- DiEM25
- Dillon, Paul
- Dillon, Siobhán
- Diskin, Mary
- Divorce
- Divorce Referendum, 1986
- Divorce Referendum, 1995
- Doherty, Pat
- Doherty, Vincent
- Dolan, Jemma
- Donaghy, Christine
- Donnelly, Chris
- Donnelly, Francie
- Donnelly, Pat
- Donoghue, Brendan
- Dooney, Triona
- Dorn, Robert
- Douthwaite, Richard
- Dowling, Éanna
- Downing Street Declaration, 1993
- Doyle, Kevin
- Doyle, Mick
- Doyle, Peigin
- Doyle, Valerie
- Drisceoil, Prionsias Ó
- Dubh, Peadar
- Dublin '68 Committee
- Dublin Anarchist Collective
- Dublin Anarchist Group
- Dublin Anti-Extradition Committee
- Dublin Anti-Water Charges Campaign
- Dublin Central Housing Action
- Dublin Communities Against Racism
- Dublin Council of Trade Unions
- Dublin H-Block Armagh Committee
- Dublin Housing Action Committee
- Dublin Municipal Elections, 1930
- Dublin Renters Union
- Dublin Spartacist Group
- Dublin Unemployed Action Group
- Dublin West Independent Labour News
- Duffy, Chris
- Duffy, Deirdre
- Duffy, Joe
- Duggan, Pat
- Duncan, S.
- Dunne, Cormac
- Dunne, T.
- Dunnes Stores Anti-Apartheid Strike
- Dunphy, Richard
- Dutt, R. Palme
- Dwyer, Tom
- Eagleton, Terry
- Ecology Party
- Eighth Amendment (Right to life) Referendum, 1983
- Éire Nua
- Éirígí
- Ellis, Peter Berresford
- Ellison, Graham
- Enright, Máiréad
- Environment
- Eochair, An
- European Anti-Capitalist Left
- European Communities Membership Referendum, 1972
- European Green Party
- European Monetary Union
- European Parliament Election, 1984
- European Parliament Election, 1989
- European Parliament Election, 1999
- European Union (EEC, EC, EU)
- European United Left–Nordic Green Left
- Evason, Eileen
- Extinction Rebellion
- Fabian Society
- Faller, Kevin
- Falls Curfew, 1970
- Faoite, Colm de
- Faoláin, Seán Ó
- Farrell, Clare
- Farrell, Emmet
- Farrell, Michael
- Farrell, Mike
- Farrell, Niall
- Faulkner, Jim
- Fearghail, Seán Óg Ó
- Federation of Labour Groups
- Federation of Young European Greens
- Feeney, Chekov
- Feeney, John
- Fennell, Desmond
- Fianna
- Fianna Éireann, Na [Pre 1970]
- Fianna Éireann, Na [RSF]
- Fianna Éireann, Na [SF]
- Fightback
- Fightback [IMT]
- Fighting Talk
- Fine Gael
- Fingal Voice
- Finlay, Fergus
- Finn, Daniel
- First Lisbon Treaty Referendum, 2008
- Fís Nua
- Fitzgerald, Peter
- Fitzgerald, Susan
- FitzPatrick, Denis
- Fitzpatrick, Michael
- Fitzpatrick, Steve
- Flood, Andrew
- Flood, J.
- Flynn, Gerry
- Flynn, Hugh
- Flynn, Rosanna
- Focalín
- Focus
- Focus [Comhlámh]
- Foley, Conor
- Foley, Denis
- Foley, Gerry
- Foley, Michael
- Forde, Neil
- Fortnight
- Forum
- Forward
- Fourth International
- Fourth International [Reunified]
- Fourthwrite
- Fownes Street Journal
- Fox, Carol
- Fox, Mary
- Free Citizen
- Free Margaretta D'Arcy Campaign
- Free Press, The
- Freedom
- Freedom News
- Freedom Press
- Freedom Struggle
- Freeman, Mike
- Friends of the Union
- Fronta Nua
- Frontline Collective
- Frow, Edmund
- Frow, Ruth
- Furey, Kieran
- Furlong, Áine
- Gabhann, Eibhlín Ní
- Gall, Rex Mac
- Gallagher, James
- Gallagher, Lionel
- Gallagher, Maureen
- Gallagher, Willie
- Galway Worker
- Gardner, Katy
- Garland, Seán
- Gates, Carmel
- Gavan, Paul
- Gay Community News
- Geaney, Finn
- General Election, 1977
- General Election, 1981
- General Election, 1987
- General Election, 1989
- General Election, 1997
- General Election, 2002
- General Election, 2007
- General Election, 2011
- General Election, 2020
- General Election, February 1982
- General Election, November 1982
- Geraghty, Des
- Geraghty, Tom
- Gerhardt, Paul
- Ghoill, Martin Mac An
- Ghrian Dhearg, An
- Gibbons, C. A.
- Gibbons, Luke
- Gibbons, Marion
- Gibney, Dave
- Gibney, David
- Gilbert, Simon
- Gill, Karl
- Gillan, Paddy
- Gillespie, Paul
- Gillespie, Una
- Gilmore, Eamon
- Gilmore, George
- Glacken, Eddie
- Glaser-Baur, Herman
- Glenn, Francis
- Glennon, Mags
- Global Ecosocialist Network
- Global Greens
- Gluaiseacht
- Gogan, Johnny
- Gogarty, Frank
- Goldring, Maurice
- Good Friday Agreement Referendum, 1998
- Goodwillie, John
- Goodwin, Liam
- Gordon, Mary
- Gorman, Tomás
- Gorman, Tommy
- Gormley, John
- Gottlieb, Ariel
- Goulding, Cathal
- Graham, Alistair
- Gralton
- Grant, Ted
- Grapevine
- Gray, John
- Greaves, C. Desmond
- Greaves, Desmond
- Greek Solidarity Committee
- Green Alliance
- Green, Clare
- Green, Marion
- Green Party
- Green Party in Northern Ireland
- Greens–European Free Alliance
- Gregory, Tony
- Grey, May
- Grille
- Grogan, Dick
- Ground Rent
- Hadden, Peter
- Haines, Lila
- Hall, Stuart
- Halligan, Brendan
- Hamill, Nora
- Hamilton, Billy
- Hamilton, Douglas
- Hamilton, Martin
- Hanahoe, Tom
- Hands Off Ireland!
- Hanley, Brian
- Hanrahan, Ray
- Harnett, Niall
- Harrington, Joe
- Harris, Eoghan
- Harris, Noel
- Harrison, Brendan
- Harrold, Rita
- Hartnett, Barney
- Harvey, Nichola
- Hawkes, Barbara
- Hayden, Stephen
- Hayes, Mark
- Hayes, Sean
- Hayes, Tom
- Hazelkorn, Ellen
- Healy, Paddy
- Healy, Seamus
- Healy, Tom
- Hearne, Rory
- Heatley, Fred
- Heatley, Robert W.
- Hegarty, Patricia
- Henchion, Catríona
- Henskeagh, Reuben
- Heron, Brian
- Hewitt, John
- Hewitt, Mark
- Hibernia
- Hickey, Margaret
- Higgins, Joe
- Higgins, Michael D.
- Hill, G.
- Hobsbawm, Eric
- Holborow, Marnie
- Homeless Fightback
- Hope, James
- Hope, Jemmy
- Hopkins, Stephen
- Horgan, Edward
- Horgan, Goretti
- Horgan, John
- Housing and Homelessness
- Hughes, Aiden
- Hughes, Breedagh
- Hughes, Brendan
- Hughes, Des
- Hunger Strike Bulletin
- Hunger Strikes, 1980/81
- Hunt, Peter
- Hunter, W.
- Hurley, Paul
- Hussey, Matthew
- Hutchinson, Harry
- Hynds, Imelda
- Ikurusi, Philip
- INC News
- Independent Labour [CWI]
- Independent Labour Party
- Independent Labour Publications
- Independent Left
- Independent Socialist
- Independent Socialist Party
- Independents 4 Change
- Independents for Equality Movement
- Industrial Relations Act, 1990
- Industrial Workers of the World Ireland
- Inglis, Tom
- Initiative of Communist and Workers' Parties
- Intercontinental Press
- Interface
- International Affairs Bulletin
- International Committee of the Fourth International
- International Communist League (Fourth Internationalist)
- International Libertarian Solidarity
- International Marxist Group
- International Marxist Tendency
- International Marxist Tendency in Ireland
- International Meeting of Communist and Workers' Parties
- International of Anarchist Federations
- International Revolutionary Marxist Centre
- International Socialism
- International Socialist Alternative
- International Socialist League of Ireland
- International Socialist Tendency
- International Socialists
- International Socialists [UK]
- International Spartacist Tendency
- International Tribunal on Crimes against Women, 1976
- International Viewpoint
- International Workers' Association
- International Workers' Day
- International Workers League - Fourth International
- International Working Union of Socialist Parties [2½ International]
- Internationalists, The
- Internment in Northern Ireland
- Iraq War, 2003
- Iraq War / Gulf War, 1991
- Ireland
- Ireland from Below
- Ireland Palestine Solidarity Campaign
- Iris
- Irish Anarchist Network
- Irish Anti-Apartheid Movement
- Irish Anti-Extradition Committee
- Irish Anti-War Movement
- Irish Association of Civil Liberty
- Irish Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament
- Irish Committee for a Socialist Programme
- Irish Communist Group
- Irish Communist Movement (Marxist-Leninist)
- Irish Communist Organisation
- Irish Communist Party
- Irish Communist, The
- Irish Congress of Trade Unions
- Irish Democrat
- Irish El Salvador Support Committee
- Irish Family Planning Association
- Irish Feminist Information Publications
- Irish Freedom
- Irish Freedom Movement
- Irish Labour History Society
- Irish Language
- Irish Liberation Press
- Irish Marxist Society
- Irish National Congress
- Irish National Liberation Solidarity Front
- Irish Neutrality
- Irish People, The
- Irish Political Review
- Irish Press
- Irish Publicity Service
- Irish Reporter
- Irish Republican Comrades Association
- Irish Republican Prisoners Support Group
- Irish Republican Socialist Committees of North America
- Irish Republican Socialist News
- Irish Republican Socialist Party
- Irish Republican Writers Group
- Irish Revolutionary Forces
- Irish School-Students Union
- Irish Socialist
- Irish Socialist Network
- Irish Socialist Republican Party
- Irish Socialist Republicans
- Irish Socialist Review
- Irish Sovereignty Movement
- Irish Student Movement
- Irish Student, The
- Irish Television Producers Association
- Irish Transport and General Workers' Union
- Irish Volunteers
- Irish Woman's Right to Choose Group
- Irish Women United
- Irish Women's Liberation Movement
- Irish Worker League
- Irish Worker, The
- Irish Workers' Group [1966]
- Irish Workers' Group [1976]
- Irish Workers Group Tendency
- Irish Workers' League
- Irish Workers' Party
- Irish Workers' Union
- Irish Young Socialists
- Irvine, John
- Kallen, Jeff
- Kallen, Molly
- Kaur, Prunella
- Kavanagh, Art
- Kavanagh, Bob
- Keane, Denis
- Keating, Niav
- Keenan, Joe
- Keenan, Margaret
- Kelleher, Derry
- Kelleher, Terry
- Kelly, Brendan
- Kelly, Brian
- Kelly, Gerry
- Kelly, Jimmy
- Kelly, Joan
- Kelly, John
- Kelly, Nicky
- Kelly, Pearse
- Kelly, Phelim
- Kelly, Sean
- Kemmy, Jim
- Kennedy, Lorraine
- Kennedy, Sinéad
- Kent, Gary
- Kerr, Gregor
- Kerr, Jim
- Kerrigan, Gene
- Kiberd, Damien
- Kildare 6 Defence Committee
- Kilmartin, Brian
- Kilmurray, Avila
- Kilmurray, Evanne
- King, Tarka
- Kinkead, Brian
- Kirby, Peadar
- Kostick, Conor
- Labour
- Labour
- Labour '87
- Labour and Socialist International
- Labour & Trade Union Coordinating Group
- Labour & Trade Union Group
- Labour Coalition
- Labour History News
- Labour Left
- Labour Left
- Labour News Bulletin
- Labour Party [Britain]
- Labour Party in Northern Ireland
- Labour Party of Northern Ireland
- Labour Party of Northern Ireland [1998]
- Labour Party Young Socialists
- Labour Review, The
- Labour Youth
- Lake, Robert
- Lally, Grace
- Lally, John
- Lalor, Brigid
- Landy, David
- Lane, Fintan
- Lane, Jack
- Lane, Jim
- Lannon, John
- Larkin, Denis
- Larkin, James
- Larkin Unemployed Centre
- Larragy, James
- Lasair Dhearg
- Lawless, Gery
- Lawlor, Chris
- Lawrenson, Kevin
- Le Chéile
- League for a Revolutionary Communist International
- League for a Workers Republic
- League for a Workers' Vanguard
- League for the Fifth International
- League of Communist Republicans
- Lee, Dave
- Left Alliance
- Left Perspectives
- Left Republican Review
- Left Revolutionary Group
- Left Tribune
- Left Unity
- Leftline
- Leninist, The
- Leveller, The
- Lewis, Stephen
- LGBTQ+ Rights
- Liaison Committee of the Labour Left
- Liberty Magazine
- Liberty News
- Lieshout, Mary Van
- Limerick-Shannon Anti-Cheap Labour League
- Limerick Socialist
- Limerick Socialist Organisation
- Limerick Soviet, 1919
- Little, Paul
- Lloyd, David
- Lloyd, John
- Local Elections, 1967
- Local Elections, 1979
- Local Elections, 1991
- Local Elections (Northern Ireland), 1967
- Local Elections (Northern Ireland), 1993
- Lönnroth, Johan
- Loingsigh, Micheál S. Ó
- Look Left
- Loughgall Ambush
- Lowe, Fred
- Lowry, John
- Lowy, Michael
- Lucy, Gordon
- Lynch, Conor
- Lynch, Jerry
- Lynch, Kathleen
- Lynch, Seamus
- Lynn, Billy
- Lyons, J.
- Lysaght, D. R. O'Connor
- Lysaght, Rayner
- Maastricht Treaty Referendum, 1992
- MacAonghusa, Proinsias
- MacCraith, Aindrias
- MacDara, Dara
- MacDiarmada, Mairtín
- MacDonogh, Pat
- MacDowell, Vincent
- MacEoin, Art
- MacGiolla, Tomás
- Macken, Michael
- MacMahon, Mary
- MacMaolain, Liam
- MacNamidhe, Ciarán
- MacNeill, Dara
- MacNeill, Rory
- MacNeill, Ruaidhri
- MacRaghnaill, Donacha
- MacSimóin, Alan
- MacSté, Pól
- MacThomáis, Eamonn
- MacThomas, Hilda
- Madden, Jack
- Magee, John
- Magennis, Eoin
- Maguire, Catherine
- Maguire, F.J.
- Maguire, John
- Maguire, Manus
- Maher, Mary
- Mair, Peter
- Making Sense
- Malone, Deirdre
- Mansfield, Peter
- Marie and Noel Murray Case
- Marmion, Sean
- Marren, Padraig
- Marriage Equality Referendum, 2015
- Martin, Moira
- Martin, Noel
- Marxism Today
- Marxist Forum
- Marxist-Leninist Journal
- Marxist Leninist Quarterly
- Marxist-Leninist Weekly
- Marxist Review
- Matgamna, Seán
- Maxton, Hugh
- McAdam, Marie
- McAliskey, Bernadette
- McAnulty, John
- McAuley, Frances
- McBride, Dermot
- McCabe, Anton
- McCabe, Martin
- McCamley, John
- McCann, Eamonn
- McCann, Ellen
- McCann, Joe
- McCarron, Des
- McCartan, Eugene
- McCartan, Pat
- McCarthy, Dec
- McCarthy, Paul
- McClelland, Aiken
- McClelland, Maureen
- McCormack, Bill
- McCormack, Owen
- McCullough, W. H.
- McDermott, Derry
- McDermott, Eilish
- McDermott, Peter
- McDonagh, Dave
- McDonagh, Eugene
- McDonald, Henry
- McDonald, Joe
- McDonnell, John
- McGeown, John
- McGirl, John Joe
- McGonagle, Marie
- McGrath, Sean
- McGuigan, Alex
- McGuinness, Catherine
- McGuinness, Martin
- McGuinness, Shiela
- McGurran, Malachy
- McHugh, Ronan
- McInerney, Maura
- McInerney, Michael
- McIntyre, Anthony
- McKearney, Tommy
- McKenna, Patricia
- McKenna, Pearse
- McKeown, Lawrence
- McKinney, Ryan
- McLaughlin, Mitchel
- McLean, Ian
- McLean, Jan
- McLennan, Gordon
- McLoone, Martin
- McLoughlin, Kevin
- McLoughlin, Michael
- McLoughlin, Mick
- McMahon, Mary
- McManus, Liz
- McManus, Seán
- McMillen, Billy
- McMillen, Liam
- McMullen, Jackie
- McMullen, William
- McNamara, Jim
- McVeigh, Joseph
- McVeigh, Robbie
- McVerry, Peter
- McWilliams, Edward
- McWilliams, Monica
- Meehan, John
- Meehan, Maurice
- Meranne, Paulo
- Merrigan, Matt
- Mhuirí, Pádraigín Ní
- Mica Action Group
- Michail, Loizos
- Migrants and Ethnic Minorities for Reproductive Justice
- Militant
- Militant
- Militant Irish Monthly
- Militant Labour
- Militant Left
- Millar, Scott
- Miller, David
- Miller, Mike
- Milotte, Mike
- Mincéir Misli
- Miner, The
- Mitchell, Billy
- Moloney, Paul
- Molyneux, John
- Monaghan, James
- Mongain, Séamus Ó
- Montagu, Ivor
- Montague, Pat
- Monteagudo, Graciela
- Montgomery, John
- Mooney, Máirín
- Moore, Linda
- Morgan, Austen
- Morgan, Seamus
- Moriarty, Therese
- Morley, Kevin
- Morris, Stephen
- Morris, Steven
- Morrison, Danny
- Morrison, Eve
- Morrison, Jonathan
- Morrissey, Michael
- Morrissey, Seán
- Morton, Bruce
- Movement for a Revolutionary Communist International
- Movement for a Socialist Republic
- Moynagh, James
- Muircheartaigh, Antóin Ó
- Muldowney, Mary
- Mulholland, Ciarán
- Mulholland, John
- Mulholland, Marc
- Mulholland, Niall
- Mulholland, Padraig
- Mulrooney, Gretta
- Munck, Ronnie
- Murchú, Eoin Ó
- Murney, Stephen
- Murphy, Conor
- Murphy, J. D.
- Murphy, Mick
- Murphy, Seamus
- Murray Defence Committee
- Murray, Kevin
- Murray, Seán
- Musicians’ Union of Ireland
- National Animal Rights Association
- National Association for Irish Justice
- National College of Art Students Union
- National Council for Civil Liberties [UK]
- National Democratic Party
- National Federation of Shop Stewards and Rank and File Committees
- National Graves Association
- National H-Block / Armagh Committee
- National Labour Party
- National Party
- National Political Front
- National Progressive Democrats
- National Union of Mineworkers
- National Wages Agreements, 1970s
- Natural Resources
- Necessity for Change Institute of Anti-Imperialist Studies
- Neligan, Dave
- Nevin, E. T.
- New Agenda
- New Books Publications
- New Communist Party
- New Earth
- New Ireland Forum
- New Left Journal
- New Republican Forum
- Newtownabbey Labour Party
- Next Step, The
- Nice Treaty Referendum, 2001
- Nice Treaty Referendum, 2002
- Nicky Kelly Campaign
- Nixon, John
- No Quarter
- Nolan, Dermot
- Nolan, Fergus
- Nolan, Sam
- Nolan, Seán
- North Dublin Bay Housing Crisis Community
- North, John
- Northern Ireland Assembly Election, 1982
- Northern Ireland Assembly Election, 2003
- Northern Ireland Assembly Election, 2007
- Northern Ireland Assembly Election, 2022
- Northern Ireland Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament
- Northern Ireland Civil Rights Association
- Northern Ireland Consititutional Convention, 1975
- Northern Ireland Framework Documents, 1995
- Northern Ireland Labour Party
- Northern Ireland Public Service Alliance
- Northern Ireland Report
- Northern Ireland Socialist Research Centre
- Northern Ireland Women's Rights Movement
- Northern Ireland Young Communist League
- Northern Star, The
- Northwest Labour Publications
- Notes and Comments
- Nuclear Energy
- Nugent, Kieran
- O'Brien, Eamonn
- O'Brien, George
- O'Brien, Michael
- O'Brien, Patrick J.
- O'Brien, Paul
- O'Carroll, Aileen
- Occupy Dame Street
- O'Cianain, Garry
- O'Cofaigh, Donal
- O'Comain, Liam
- O'Connell, Deirdre
- O'Connor, Claire
- O'Connor, Emmet
- O'Connor, Fergus
- O'Connor, Louise
- O'Connor, Orla
- O'Connor, Pat
- O'Connor, Philip
- O'Connor, Tom
- O'Doherty, Malachi
- O'Donnell, Cormac
- O'Donnell, Peadar
- O'Duffy, Molly
- O'Farrell, Con
- Official Republican Movement
- Official Sinn Féin - IRSP Split, 1974
- Ógra Shinn Féin
- O'Grady, Peadar
- O'Hagan, Des
- O'Hanlon, Jon
- O'Hara, Sarah
- O'Hare, Sean
- O'Leary, John
- O'Leary, Margaret
- O'Leary, Michael
- O'Loughlin, Fiona
- O'Mahony, Rose
- O'Malley, Chris
- O'Meara, Kathleen
- O'Neill, Eoghain
- O'Neill, J.
- O'Neill, John
- O'Neill, Sadhbh
- O'Quigley, Gerard
- O'Reilly, Gerald
- O'Reilly, Gerald
- O'Reilly, Louise
- Organise!
- Organise! Anarcho-Syndicalist Federation
- Organise! (Solidarity Federation)
- Organising Committee for the Reconstruction of the Fourth International
- O'Riain, Colm
- O'Riordan, Manus
- O'Riordan, Michael
- O'Rourke, Lily
- O'Ruairc, Liam
- O'Ryan, Cormac
- O'Sé, Seafra
- O'Shannon, Cathal
- Other View, The
- O'Toole, Bridget
- Palmer, G.
- Palmer, Geoff
- Palmer, John
- Party of European Socialists
- Patsy O'Hara Youth Movement
- Patterson, Henry
- Pavee
- Peace and Neutrality Alliance
- Pentel, Sue
- People Before Profit
- People Before Profit/Solidarity
- People's Democracy
- People's Movement
- Peoples Rights Committee
- People's Voice
- Perry, Cieran
- Phoblacht Abú, An
- Phoblacht, An
- Phoblacht, An [IRF]
- Phoblacht Republican News, An
- Pinter, Mike
- Plough, The
- Plough, The
- Poblacht na nOibrithe
- Postworker Bulletin
- Price, Marian
- Price, Mark
- Prisoners Rights
- Prisoners' Rights Organisation
- Progressive Alliance
- Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats
- Progressive International
- Progressive Unionist Party
- Proletarian [COBI]
- Proletarian, The [ISLI]
- Proportional Representation Referendum, 1968
- Provisional Sinn Féin
- Purcell, Betty
- Purdie, Bob
- Purser, Vasco
- Purvis, Dawn
- Rabbitte, Pat
- Rabharta Glas - Green Left, An
- Raftery, A.
- Raise the Roof
- Reabhloid, An
- Rebel
- Reclaim the Agenda
- Red Action
- Red Action
- Red Action [Britain]
- Red & Black Revolution
- Red Banner
- Red Banner [ISLI]
- Red Network
- Red Patriot
- Red Republican Party
- Redlich, Patricia
- Redmond, Seán
- Redmond, Tom
- Religion, Church and State
- Repeal of the Eighth Amendment Referendum, 2018
- Repsol
- Republican Bulletin
- Republican Clubs
- Republican Congress
- Republican Labour Party
- Republican Network for Unity
- Republican News
- Republican Sinn Féin
- Republican Socialist Tendency
- Republican Socialist Youth Movement
- Republican Worker
- Republican Worker Tendency
- Resistance
- Resistance [CPGB]
- Resistance [ISN]
- Resistance [URC]
- Resources Protection Campaign
- Resources Study Group
- Revolutionary Anarcha-Feminist Group
- Revolutionary Communist Group
- Revolutionary Communist International
- Revolutionary Communist League of Britain
- Revolutionary Communist Party
- Revolutionary Communist Tendency
- Revolutionary Communists of Ireland
- Revolutionary History
- Revolutionary Housing League
- Revolutionary Marxist Group
- Revolutionary Socialist Party
- Revolutionary Socialist Student Federation
- Revolutionary Struggle
- Revolutionary Workers' Groups
- Revolutionary Workers Party
- Riain, Seán Ó
- Richardson, Sue
- Riddick, Ruth
- Riddy, John
- Rigal, Jocelyne
- Right to Change
- Right2Change
- Right2Water
- Ripening of Time Collective
- Ripening of Time, The
- Rı́ordáin, Aodhán Ó
- Robbins, Frank
- Roberts, Kieran
- Robinson, Meg
- Rock, Hilary
- Rodgers, Eleanor
- Roe, Brian
- Róiste, R. De
- Rolston, Bill
- Ronald Reagan Visit to Ireland, 1984
- Rosc Catha
- Rose, Kieran
- Rosenstock, Gabriel
- Ross, Fearghal
- Rossa, Proinsias De
- Roulston, Carmel
- Rourke, Peter O'
- Ruddock, Joe
- Ruddy, Gerry
- Rush, Elaine
- Ryan, Brendan
- Sallins Train robbery
- Sands, Bobby
- Saoirse
- Saor Éire [1931]
- Saor Éire [1967]
- Saor Éire [Cork]
- Saoradh
- Sargent, Trevor
- Savage, Jim
- Savin, Jerome
- Scéim na gCeardchumann
- Scott, Brendan
- Seal, Vivien
- Seanad Elections, 1989
- Second International
- Section 31 of the Broadcasting Act
- Services, Industrial, Professional and Technical Union
- Sevitt, D.
- Shankill Bulletin
- Shankill Education Workshop
- Shankill Think Tank
- Shannon Airport (Military Use)
- Shannonwatch
- Share the Wealth Campaign
- Sheehan, Helena
- Sheehan, Maurice
- Sheehy, John
- Sheehy-Skeffington, Hanna
- Shell to Sea
- Sherlock, Joe
- Sherry, Julie
- Silke, Henry
- Sinclair, Betty
- Sinclair, Colin
- Single European Act Referendum, 1987
- Sinn Féin
- Sinn Féin [Official]
- Sinn Féin [Pre 1970]
- Sinn Féin Republican Youth
- Sinn Féin Split, 1969
- Sinn Féin The Workers' Party
- Siomóin, Tomás Mac
- SIPTU Fightback
- Sligo/Leitrim Independent Socialist Organisation
- Sligo Star
- Smeaton, Brian
- Smith, Ailbhe
- Smith, Bríd
- Smullen, Eamonn
- Smyth, Kevin
- Smyth, Paddy
- Smyth, Pat
- Social Democratic and Labour Party
- Social Democrats
- Social Partnership
- Socialism 2000
- Socialist Alternative
- Socialist Democracy
- Socialist Digest
- Socialist Environmental Alliance
- Socialist International
- Socialist Labour Action Group
- Socialist Labour Alliance
- Socialist Labour League
- Socialist Labour Party
- Socialist Organiser Alliance
- Socialist Party
- Socialist Party [England & Wales]
- Socialist Party of Great Britain
- Socialist Party of Ireland [1909]
- Socialist Party of Ireland [1949]
- Socialist Party of Ireland [1970]
- Socialist Party of Northern Ireland
- Socialist Platform
- Socialist Republic
- Socialist Republican
- Socialist Republican Collective
- Socialist Republican Party
- Socialist Review Group
- Socialist Revolutionary Group of Ireland
- Socialist, The [SPEW]
- Socialist View
- Socialist Voice [Dublin]
- Socialist Women's Group
- Socialist Worker
- Socialist Worker Review
- Socialist Workers' Movement
- Socialist Workers' Network
- Socialist Workers' Party
- Socialist Workers' Party [UK]
- Socialist Workers' Tendency
- Socialist Youth
- Socialists Against Nationalism
- Solas, An
- Solidarity
- Solidarity - People Before Profit
- Solomon, Lin
- Sound Post
- Sovereign Nation, The
- Spark
- Spartacist Group Ireland
- Spartacist Ireland
- Spartacist League
- Spectre
- Speed, Anne
- Spirit of Freedom
- Spray, Glen
- Spréach, An
- Squatter
- Stagg, Emmet
- Stalin, Joseph
- Stanley, Nigel
- Starry Plough, The [Derry]
- Starry Plough, The [IRSP]
- Starry Plough, The [SF]
- Steenson, Gerard
- Stevens, Helena
- Stewart, Edwina
- Stewart, James
- Storey, Andy
- Straeten, Serge Van der
- Students for Democratic Action
- Subversion
- Sullivan, John
- Sullivan, Rosemary
- Sunningdale Agreement, 1973
- SuperSpi
- Suttle, Áine
- Sweeney, Paul
- Swift, John
- Syndicalist Solidarity Network
- t-Ógláċ, An
- Taaffe, Peter
- Taggart, Henry
- Taisce, An
- Take Back Trinity
- Tallaght Committee to Support Mine Workers
- Tallion, Ruth
- Teoiric
- This Week
- Thomey, Esther
- Thompson, Gary
- Thompson, William
- Throne, John
- Tierney, Louise
- Times Change
- Together for Yes
- tÓglách, An
- Tomlinson, Mike
- Tone, Wolfe
- Tourish, Dennis
- Trade Union Campaign Against Repression
- Trade Union Campaign to Repeal the Eighth Amendment
- Trade Union Co-ordinating Committee Against Repression
- Trade Unionist, The
- Trade Unionists for Irish Unity and Independence
- Trainor, Taryn
- Transport Workers Union
- Travellers' Rights
- Treaty on Stability, Coordination and Governance in the Economic and Monetary Union Referendum
- Trench, Brian
- Trinity Anti-Imperialist Propaganda Committee
- Tuama, Ciara Ní
- Turner, Brian
- Twomey, Carrie
- Waine, Matt
- Walker, Chris
- Walker, Ernest
- Wallace, Mick
- Walsh, Ed
- Walsh, Lynn
- Ward, Margaret
- Warren, Bill
- Water Charges News
- Water Services Workers Ireland
- Waterford People's Party
- Waters, Debbie
- Westminster Election (NI), 1966
- Westminster Election (NI), 1979
- Wheatley, David
- Whelan, Dermot
- White, Bob
- White, Caroline
- Wilson, Des
- Wilson, Robin
- Wingfield, Kevin
- Wolfe Tone Society
- Women Against Imperialism
- Women's Action
- Women's Liberation Movement
- Women's View
- Wood, Alex
- Wood Quay Occupation News
- Woodworth, Paddy
- Words and Comment
- Worker, The
- Workers Alliance for Action
- Workers' & Unemployed Action Group
- Workers and Unemployed Movement
- Workers' and Unemployed News
- Workers' Association, The
- Workers Briefing
- Workers' Fight
- Workers' Fight
- Workers Hammer
- Workers International to Rebuild the Fourth International
- Workers' League
- Workers' Liberty
- Workers' Life
- Workers Party of Ireland
- Workers' Party Report
- Workers' Party, The
- Workers' Party, The [AC]
- Workers' Party, The [NBC]
- Workers Party Youth
- Workers' Power
- Workers Power [UK]
- Workers' Republic
- Workers Revolutionary Party
- Workers Revolutionary Party (Workers' Press)
- Workers Solidarity
- Workers' Solidarity Movement
- Workers' Weekly
- Working Class Action
- Working Class Action Newsletter
- Working Class Resistance
- World Federation of Democratic Youth
- World Socialist Movement
- World Socialist Party
- Wrynn, James