Ireland Her Own
The Programme of the Irish Workers' Party Adopted at its Fourth National Conference

Date: | February 1963 |
Organisation: | Irish Workers' Party |
Type: | Pamphlet |
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Commentary From The Cedar Lounge Revolution
23rd June 2014
We were surprised to discover that this document from March 1962 is the first document from the Irish Workers’ Party in the Archive. As the precursor to the Communist Party of Ireland that makes this a notable addition. In this 32 page document the IWP outlines their programme. It is perhaps notable how neutral the imagery of the documentation with no logos or other visual symbolism.
There is much to read here. It is worth noting that it is broken into various sections on ‘Industry’, ‘Agriculture’, ‘Tie-up with Imperialism’, ‘Partition’ and so on. The emphasis is very strongly on the economic, and in particular it provides an analysis of the post-partition period in those terms.
Given the existence of the CPNI and the Irish Workers Party as separate entities it is perhaps natural that the focus should be perhaps somewhat greater on the South. Indeed their counterpart is not mentioned in the text and tellingly it argues that:
A Progressive government is needed to carry out a programme in the Twenty-six counties which would lay the basis for a united, Independent Ireland.
And it argues that:
The IWP believes that the working class movement, before it can lead, must itself have a political party to lead the way forward. This Party must have its own distinctive viewpoint based on the interests of the working class. The political philosophy of Connolly based on the scientific Socialist approach of Marx, has proved itself to be the correct approach for a working class party. The Irish Workers’ Party is such a Party.
An important addition and more to follow from this source.
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