Miscellaneous Notes On Republicanism And Socialism In Cork City, 1954–69

Date: | 2005 |
Author: | Jim Lane |
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Commentary From The Cedar Lounge Revolution
17th August 2015
What follows deals almost entirely with internal divisions within Cork republicanism and is not meant as a comprehensive outline of republican and left-wing activities in the city during the period covered. Moreover, these notes were put together following specific queries from historical researchers and, hence, the focus at times is on matters that they raised.’ (Miscellaneous Notes, p.1)
The below is an edited text originally written by Conor McCabe to accompany this document.
We will be covering the various aspects of Jim Lane’s activism as a Socialist and Republican at a later date, but for now here is a copy of his recollections of the period 1954 to 1969. It touches on his involvement with the IRA campaign of the late 1950s and early 1960s, as well as the Cork-based Irish Revolutionary Forces, and the publications An Phoblacht (Cork), and People’s Voice. The pamphlet ends with 1969 and the outbreak of the Troubles.
Last September (2009) I interviewed Jim in his home in Cork. We talked for about five hours. In that interview, Jim talked about the Irish Revolutionary Forces (IRF), as well as the attraction which Maoism held for the IRF at that time.
Jim explained this a little further to me in a recent correspondence:
Sean Daly (ex IRA at the time) and myself met Hardial Bains and the other leaders of the Internationalists in 1968. Sean Daly is the person mentioned several times in my Miscellaneous Notes……. We met with the intention of working together to build a Marxist-Leninist type party in Ireland. We certainly had a great issue with them about their methods of work in Ireland, among other matters. Suffice to say, we didn’t reach an agreement on the way forward. However, we did agree to remain in touch. Prominent in their group then and in the years that followed were; David Vipond, John Dowling, Arthur Allen and Carole Reekes. Hardial Bains of Indian birth was based in Canada.
As I may have said to you in our conversations last year, we were attracted to the line of the Chinese Communist Party, after we had studied the publication, The Polemic on the General Line of the International Communist Movement, (China, 1965). For us here in Ireland in the 1960’s, we saw Mao and his party as advocates of armed revolutionary struggle, whereas the Soviet Union favoured the ‘ peaceful road to Socialism, by Parliamentary means’ . Is it any wonder why Irish Socialist Republicans began to take an interest in the writings of Mao Tse-Tung back in the 1960’s. Mythology has led many students of republican development in the 60’s, to believe that all those who opposed ‘the left-wing drift’, were ‘right-wing red necks’. Not so, many who were conveniently referred to as ‘Maoists’ within and without the Republican fold, were in fact those who were struggling to uphold true socialist revolutionary concepts.
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By: Conor McCabe Thu, 17 Jun 2010 22:23:18
In reply to Conor McCabe.
@ Bart, above the @ Bart above.
I’ve got to go off to bed now Bart, so in case my last comment is too cerebral for you, let me put it another way:
What is the difference between…
a bourgeois revolution
a bourgeois view of revolution?
Anything after that and you’ll have to ring the “where’s the Any Key” guys. Maybe they can help you?
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By: NollaigO Fri, 18 Jun 2010 06:00:22
Ill fares the land, to hast’ning ill a prey,
Where wealth accumulates, and men decay;
Princes and Lords may flourish, or may fade:
A breath can make them, as a breath has made;
but a bold peasantry, their country’s pride,
When once destroyed can never be supplied.
Lines from The Deserted Village by Oliver Goldsmith
Was Goldsmith Ireland’s first Maoist?
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By: Bartholomew Fri, 18 Jun 2010 21:40:27
In reply to Conor McCabe.
Conor, you’re right, it was far too cerebral. I’ve never even heard of the ‘Any Key’ guys, and I’ve never seen Frontline.
It wasn’t an either/or question for the sake of it, or for the sake of appearing clever, as you’re suggesting. I was asking what you meant by the original statement, and those were the two possibilities that occurred to me. Let me rephrase the question in turn. Do you think the Land War was a social revolution of any kind?
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By: Budapestkick Fri, 18 Jun 2010 22:40:57
Do you have a copy of Spectre? It would make a welcome addition to the archive.
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By: WorldbyStorm Sat, 19 Jun 2010 07:40:43
In reply to Budapestkick.
I do not. It’d be great to have one.
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By: Budapestkick Thu, 01 Jul 2010 14:12:46
In reply to Conor McCabe.
CL: The IRF / Saor Eire grouping were not Maoist in the sense that you’re thinking of. In fact, Jim criticised Seán Cronin for applying elements of Maoist strategy in the border campaign. Rather, they were Maoist in the sense that they were attracted to the apparent support that Mao and China were giving towards ‘armed struggles’ across Africa and Asia in comparison to the Soviet line, which was seen as being soft. It’s understandable how that could appeal to a grouping like the IRF.
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By: Drithleóg Tue, 06 Jul 2010 13:35:04
Readers might like to know that Willie Gough, an old Cork republican, who was one of those arrested at Torr Head during the Border Campaign and interned, passed away last weekend. His removal takes place tonight from O’Connor’s funeral home, North Gate Bridge to the North Cathedral. Burial tomorrow at Kilcully after mass at 2pm in the cathedral.
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By: Left Archive: The Republican Movement and Socialism, 1950-70, Jim Lane, originally published in the Starry Plough (IRSP), 1987 « The Cedar Lounge Revolution Mon, 27 Sep 2010 06:25:58
[…] from the British Labour Party Young Socialists. But this week we return to Jim Lane who as noted here and here has been involved in Socialist and Republican politics from the […]
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By: ‘Rethinking the Republic’ – redux… « The Cedar Lounge Revolution Sat, 30 Jul 2011 12:50:45
[…] read it here’s an additional resource with which to contextualise it, Jim Lane’s useful Miscellaneous Notes on Republicanism and Socialism in Cork City, 1954 to 1969. The accompanying article was written by Conor McCabe and provides an excellent […]
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By: harp0 Fri, 07 Dec 2012 15:24:07
In reply to Conor McCabe.
Hello Conor,would it be possible to use the images and text?
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By: RS Fri, 10 May 2013 22:57:35
Ether you are a follower and chue the cud of the Core Commune (socialist, and communist ) or you are within the core. I know your game and your committees, Gyges, pen and deed of propaganda. My family has a long history starting with the Norman innovation, as revolutionaries around the world and another 100 yrs within the socialist movement in America. George Sisk was one of many family mislead and not very bright. My uncle in America murdered and trained for the party from 1936 to 1981. My grandfather was recruited by Trotsky 1909 and murdered for the party until his murder in 1940. My G grandfather and grandmother also worked with Trotsky, Linen and Hitler. My GG grandfather described Trotsky as a small man with woman’s hands, spoiled by those slaving for his every whim. You that wave his banner either ignorant or missing the fact Hitler was also a recruit of Trotsky at broken glass in Vienna 1909. Our world stride for international socialism will only accomplish death for half the planet. Most followers of the flute and their loved ones will also find themselves in the gallows by the very people they looked up too. The members of the IRA have been mislead from the start… Irishmen will never have freedom in their own country following socialism and a collectivism scam. Don’t believe? Who was J Edger Hoovers top agent? Who was Millderd Gillers Sisk to Hitler? Who was Vincent Sisk as it pertains to McKenley death? Why did Roosevelt close out Broken Glass? Ireland was robbed of its history just as America was… Ireland WHO WAS Robert Fitz Sisk? Who was David Fitz Sisk? Who was Captain William Sisk? This man and his crew freed more Irish and African slaves then any other men and also helped the American revolution possible. I am an American that seems to love Ireland and its people more than the men who live there.
American conservatives just as Irishmen don’t understand the true nature of the enemy and it’s agenda. Collectivism is used to produce a class society whereas those at the core can become leaders, the ruling class! and the rest the working class, anyone who disagrees dies or become a slave of the prison. When American conservatives place a picture in their mind of the enemy, it is an islamic terrorist.
When a Irishman thinks of terrorist he thinks IRA…WHY? BROTHERHOOD? Where are your critical thinking skills? In truth terrorism can be carried out by an islamic person or an Irishman, both used by leaders of the future ruling class SOCIALIST. Deed of propaganda is a method to carry out political change, way more politically effective when taken out between mutual enemies. I pose a question,, Why is it that most countries in the middle east or across the world have REPUBLIC as their nomenclature and also a socialist ruling party, a constitution and articles of socialism? …. Most citizens of those countries have no idea either. Most Americans or Irishmen have no idea what is basic to freedom …… INDIVIDUALISM’s RIGHTS…Unalienable individual rights…… this is the blockade and target of the Commune and international socialist. In Trotsky’s own words he tells us the best way to kill and extinguish the enemy is by owning their medical care…. Ireland will never be free with socialism….
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By: Cork Republican Mick Buckley died on 20 February 2015. | irishrepublicanmarxisthistoryproject Sun, 01 Mar 2015 11:56:19
[…] For more on this, link to “Miscellaneous Notes on Republicanism and Socialism in Cork City, 1954-69″https://cedarlounge.wordpress.com/2010/06/09/irish-left-open-history-project-miscellaneous-notes-on-… […]
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By: Enzo Mon, 17 Aug 2015 02:54:23
In reply to Conor McCabe.
ah nice. Tom McCarthy is my grandfather. The apple doesn’t fall far from the tree! thanks for the pic.
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By: Mick Mon, 17 Aug 2015 19:47:17
The link for Jim Lane Sept 2009, at the bottom of the page links you to an add.
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By: WorldbyStorm Mon, 17 Aug 2015 20:10:58
In reply to Mick.
Sorry about that Mick, we’re hoping to find the audio somewhere and relink.
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By: ‘Miscellaneous Notes On Republicanism And Socialism In Cork City, 1954–69’ By Jim Lane. | irishrepublicanmarxisthistoryproject Sun, 23 Aug 2015 18:49:02
[…] https://cedarlounge.wordpress.com/2015/08/17/irish-left-open-history-project-miscellaneous-notes-on-… […]
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By: 11-12th December 1956 Operation Harvest launched- the 1st Night. | irishrepublicanmarxisthistoryproject Fri, 11 Dec 2015 23:28:12
[…] Below is the link to (Cedar Lounge Revolution) Miscellaneous Notes by Jim Lane.https://cedarlounge.wordpress.com/2015/08/17/irish-left-open-history-project-miscellaneous-notes-on-… […]
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By: The Republican Movement and Socialism 1950-70, by Jim Lane. | irishrepublicanmarxisthistoryproject Fri, 20 May 2016 17:04:37
[…] Miscellaneous Notes on Republicanism and Socialism in Cork City 1954- 69 . (Thanks to Cedar Lounge Revolution)https://cedarlounge.wordpress.com/2015/08/17/irish-left-open-history-project-miscellaneous-notes-on-… […]
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By: IRSP Speeches and Writings by Jim Lane, 1983-1987. | irishrepublicanmarxisthistoryproject Wed, 14 Dec 2016 11:14:08
[…] https://cedarlounge.wordpress.com/2015/08/17/irish-left-open-history-project-miscellaneous-notes-on-… […]
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By: Brendan O’Neill, Jim Lane and Donal Donnolly Visit to West Tyrone 12th, and 13th, October 2007. By Brendan O’Neill. | irishrepublicanmarxisthistoryproject Tue, 21 May 2019 10:23:48
[…] Miscellaneous Notes on Republicanism and Socialism in Cork City 1954- 69 . (Thanks to Cedar Lounge Revolution)https://cedarlounge.wordpress.com/2015/08/17/irish-left-open-history-project-miscellaneous-notes-on-… […]
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