Socialist Republic, No. 4

Date: | 1976 |
Organisation: | Revolutionary Marxist Group |
Publication: | Socialist Republic |
Issue: | Number 4 January 1976 |
Info | James Conway, James Gallagher |
Type: | Publication Issue |
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Commentary From The Cedar Lounge Revolution
4th January 2016
Many thanks to the person who forwarded this to the Archive.
This edition of Socialist Republic issued by the Revolutionary Marxist Group is of particular interest due to a statement ‘Against the Attacks’ which can be found on page 10. This directly criticises the Provisional IRA for the attacks on the Official IRA during October and November of the previous year.
The following statement was issued by the RMG at the outbreak of the recent Provo assault on the Officials in Belfast. Although an uneasy truce now exists between the two organisations we are publishing the statement again. In our view the democratic right of any left-wing or anti-imperialist movement, to organise freely, cannot be overemphasised.
And it continues:
The Revolutionary Marxist Gourp strong protests at the campaign of violence directed against the Republic Club members by the Provisional IRA over the past week. We call on the PIRA to desist immediately from these attacks on members of another Republican organisation.
The RMG condemns this campaign of violence not because we support the activities of the ORM but because we believe that violent conflict can benefit no one but imperialism itself.
It continues further and concludes ‘the anti-unionist people require urgently the militant unity of all anti-imeprialist groups. it cannot afford the events of the past week.’
Other articles of note include an analysis of what the RMG means by its concept of a ‘Loyalist Takeover’. It strongly criticise ‘Labour Party radicals’ for their ‘prophecies that the deepening crisis of capitalism would discredit the Labour leadership and initiate a new left-turn in the Party’. There are pieces on ‘RUC: re-building the loyalist police’, an analysis from Limeric RMG on the Irish Left.
There’s also mention of the North Munster left wing paper, also to be found in the Archive and elsewhere, the Bottom Dog.
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