Refugees Are Welcome Here: The Case Against Immigration Controls

Date: | 1997 |
Organisation: | Socialist Workers' Party |
Author: | Deirdre Cronin |
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Commentary From The Cedar Lounge Revolution
1st February 2016
Many thanks to IEL for donating this publication to the Archive.
This fourteen page document published by the SWP in the late 1990s and written by Deirdre Cronin makes the case that:
From the end of May 1997, in the middle of the general election campaign, immigrants suddenly became the target of politicians and the media. Newspapers had banner headlines shouting that ‘a new army of poor swamp the country’. Talk of ‘floods’ of refugees arriving in Ireland has become common.
It argues that:
…these ideas are complete hypocrisy. The same right-wing politicians have never before concerned themselves over the length of housing lists or the PAYE burden.
It further argues that:
By playing the anti-immigrant card the politicians and the media have whipped up a racist atmosphere where attacks on black people can take place.
The document is divided into short sections which includes ‘What the newspapers say’, ‘Three racist myths’, ‘Ireland’s record on refugees’ amongst others. It makes a case ‘Against Immigration Controls’ arguing that:
…there can never be ‘acceptable’ immigration controls as they are always inherently racist.
And it discusses the issue of racism itself, arguing that:
We see the fight against racism as part of the fight for socialism. If you agree then join us.
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By: Leslie Mon, 01 Feb 2016 22:35:03
‘The same right wing politicians’.
That would be the same right wing politicians like Mary Harney who wanted 1 million people to come or the same right wing politicians who have facilitated migration for years.
Blaming right wing politicians looks a bit out dated when it turns out they did more to break down borders than the pamphlet could ever have imagined. Merkel anyone?
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By: Ed Wed, 03 Feb 2016 14:49:53
In reply to Leslie.
Ah, so when David Cameron sneered about a ‘bunch of migrants’ the other day, he was trying to break down borders, wasn’t he? I think you’ll find it was the refugees from the Middle East who have broken down borders, in spite of the EU’s best efforts, because of their desperation to flee conflicts in the region. Merkel and co have just given Turkey’s authoritarian government a massive bribe and a promise of a blind eye to human rights abuses in return for a clampdown on refugees. But you just carry on telling yourself that immigration is the scourge of the working class, not neoliberal capitalism. Thank God we have such brave voices in the wilderness.
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