Ireland, Spring 1983

Date: | 1983 |
Organisation: | The Workers' Party |
Publication: | Ireland |
Issue: | Spring 1983 |
Info | Sean Ó Cionnaith, Seán Garland, Tomás MacGiolla, Kevin Smyth |
Type: | Publication Issue |
View: | View Document |
Discuss: | Comments on this document |
Subjects: | General Election, November 1982 |
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Commentary From The Cedar Lounge Revolution
16th January 2017
This is another publication of the Workers’ Party, clearly positioned for an international audience. It includes an analysis of the then recent General Election painting it in positive terms for the party despite the loss of two seats. An Editorial stresses that:
The objective of the WP is to win state power for the Irish working class. our Party will never be content with a society in which the privileged, the wealthy, the landlord, the industrialists, tell us how we are to live our lives, determine the future of our children, and dictate the narrow boundaries within which hundreds of thousands of our fellow citizens are to exist.
There are a large number of articles, including one calling on Taoiseach Garret FitzGerald to reaffirm the commitment to neutrality, a message of condolence to the people of South Africa on the murder by the apartheid regime of Ruth First, an address by Kevin Smyth of NICRA, greetings to Yugoslavian Youth, a letter to Yuri Andropov and the CPSU extolling the ‘peaceful aims, policies and actions of the the Soviet Union’ and another appealing to Ronald Reagan, then US President, calling on world disarmament.
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