Workers Solidarity, No. 42

Date: | 1994 |
Organisation: | Workers' Solidarity Movement |
Publication: | Workers Solidarity |
Issue: | Number 42 Summer 1994 |
Info | Andrew Flood, Gregor Kerr, Alan MacSimóin, Des McCarron, Aileen O'Carroll, Louise Tierney |
Type: | Publication Issue |
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Commentary From The Cedar Lounge Revolution
10th April 2017
Many thanks to the person who forwarded this to the Archive.
This edition of Workers Solidarity from the WSM leads with the issue of Service charges. It notes that having failed in implementing water rates the government now wants to impose service charges. Another piece notes different narratives in relation to Northern Ireland.
Other articles engage with the fact that 1994 was the UN Year of the Family and it critiques the calls for ‘a return to family values’. There’s an examination of ‘the Anarchist Idea Socialism and Freedom’. The Workers Solidarity Bookservice gets a centre page spread. Other reports include one on the Programme for Competativeness and Work and how some union members were dissenting from the union support for same. The last page has an article in solidarity with lgb issues.
Notable is how focused on Irish issues the newspaper is.
Interestingly it notes that ‘the change from a magazine to a newspaper format reflects the increased readership Workers Solidarity is building up’.
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