Towards the Socialist Republic
Outline policies of Sinn Féin 30 Gardiner Place Dublin 1

Date: | 1975 c. |
Organisation: | Sinn Féin [Official] |
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Commentary From The Cedar Lounge Revolution
17th April 2017
Many thanks to Bobcat for forwarding this and other documents to the Archive.
This relatively brief document offers a very brief overview of Official Sinn Féin policy in the mid to late 1970s. The introduction notes that:
These notes are… produced in the hope that they will rouse the reader’s interest sufficiently to encourage him to seek and study the detailed SF policies which are available in booklet form, a list of which are printed inside.
For example reference is made in these notes to “the importance of our natural resources but for the full facts and arguments a reading of the 100 page booklet ‘THE GREAT OIL AND GAS ROBBERY’ and other similar publications is necessary. In speaking about the North the question of a Police Service is referred but for details of how this service should be constructed and controlled recourse will have to be taken to the booklet ‘THE POLICE AND YOU’. ”
Inside there are a number of pages of questions and answers, including ‘Does Sinn Féin believe in a military solution to the Northern Problem?’ and ‘Does Sinn Féin believe in majority rule’.
On INTERNATIONAL AFFAIRS the document states:
Sinn Féin recognise that the Socialist Republican political philosophy is an international one and pledges solidarity with the struggling people of the world who are striving for independence, freedom and peace.
More from Sinn Féin [Official]
Sinn Féin [Official] in the archive
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By: roddy Mon, 17 Apr 2017 09:58:09
Aye ,they pointed out the futility of a military campaign in 69 and then promptly engaged in a full blown one for 3 years and continued in armed feuding for 4 or 5 years after that.Armed “fundraising” continued for decades interspersed with bouts of kneecapping.They warned against shooting political figures and then shot senator Barnhill .Not a bit wonder they were outpolled 120 to 1 by the”provisional alliance ” a few weeks ago !
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By: jc Mon, 17 Apr 2017 19:44:04
Got to hand it to Roddy for keeping the home fires burning. I notice that WP/OSF-related material doesn’t seem to arouse much passion on here anymore. Lurking here eight or 10 years ago, I remember how WP stuff generated a lot of heat. Any idea why that’s not the case so much anymore? Is it because poles of debate that seemed so important — the USSR, physical force, how the left should deal with the Labour Party — have faded in a post-Berlin Wall/GFA/collapse of LP? Is it because the WP’s big guns are all now out of politics?
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By: roddy Mon, 17 Apr 2017 20:00:58
Are their “big guns” gone.? !!!!!!!!
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By: WorldbyStorm Tue, 18 Apr 2017 01:50:26
In reply to jc.
Very interesting question Jc. I’m not sure of the answer. I think all you suggest is true, there’s also a greater familiarity with the wp, The Lost Revolution helped that too. This seen with other formations on the left in the archive as well.
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