Dublin West Independent Labour News, Summer 1992
Organisation: Independent Labour [CWI]
Publication: Dublin West Independent Labour News
Issue:Summer 1992
Contributors: Info
Ruth Coppinger, Joe Higgins
Type:Publication Issue
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    Commentary From The Cedar Lounge Revolution

    5th June 2017

    Many thanks to the person who forwarded this to the Archive.

    This newspaper from Independent Labour, the formation that had formerly been Militant Labour and would later become the Socialist Party, is a well produced four page large format publication.

    On the front cover it notes ‘Councillor Joe Higgins says: “if you want to fight for change, join Independent Labour in Dublin West…we are campaigning hard on the issues affecting working-class people, fighting for jobs and facilities and for a democratic, socialist society run for the good of the majority rather than for the privileged few. Get in touch now. Join our campaigns’.

    The focus of the newspaper is strongly on the local. The cover story is headlined ‘West Dublin Cries Out For Facilities’. Inside there is a piece on high unemployment in Blanchardstown and Clondalkin. However there are also pieces on other topics including one on Gaza and a recent visit there from Joe Higgins.

    A very comprehensive Council Report outlines Joe Higgins work on that body since his election the previous June. There is also a piece on how Higgins is ‘to stand in the general election’. The piece details his previous membership of the Labour Party.

    Also in the newspaper is an article by Ruth Coppinger and another that outlines what Independent Labour stands for under the heading “Genuine Socialism can solve Crisis”. This notes that:

    ILP in Dublin West stands in the tradition of great socialists like James Connolly and Jim Larkin and believe in a genuine socialist society where the working-class majority govern.

    This has nothing in common with the Stalinist dictatorships which ruled in the USSR and Eastern Europe from the late 1920s until recently when they were heroically overthrown by revolutions of workers and youth.


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    • By: EWI Mon, 05 Jun 2017 06:25:28

      ILP in Dublin West stands in the tradition of great socialists like James Connolly

      Ahem. And what did ‘HQ’ in England think of such claims? 🙄

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    • By: roddy Mon, 05 Jun 2017 16:26:21

      They would have spat on Connolly as he emerged from the GPO for throwing in his lot with “bourgeoise nationalists”.

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    • By: Mick 2 Tue, 06 Jun 2017 00:13:54

      Thanks for this. As someone who was but a wee bairn around this time, I find it remarkable the lack of information out there on Militant’s activities in Ireland, particularly given the subsequent high profiles of so many of its members.

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