The Other View, No. 4

Date: | 2001 |
Publication: | The Other View |
Issue: | Number 4 Spring 2001 |
Info | Billy Hamilton, Brendan Hughes, Tarka King, Gordon Lucy, Anthony McIntyre, Tommy McKearney, Billy Mitchell, John Nixon, Eoghain O'Neill, Liam O'Ruairc, Carrie Twomey |
Type: | Publication Issue |
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Commentary From The Cedar Lounge Revolution
2nd October 2017
Many thanks to the person who forwarded this to the Archive.
A range of documents were donated to the Archive from a number of groups and organisations from the 2000-2002 period. We’ll be posting them up over the Summer in order to get a sense of the specific concerns during that period, now a good decade and a half ago.
This publication joins another edition of The Other View in the Archive. The Other View notes that it ‘is a cross-community, cross-border magazine that is published by the Expac and LINC community groups’. It continues:
The objective of this publication is to provide a forum for those anxious and willing to discuss and debate the issues and topics that have and continue to divide the people of this island.
The editorial notes that:
In previous issues TOV offered its readers a wide range of topics – some controversial, others less so. This issue continues in the same vein with an examination of the debate surrounding the Patten Report and an opinion on the wider impact of the Battle of the Boyne.
As always there are a number of articles that demonstrate not just the areas of commonality but the extent to which the different communities in Ireland, North and South have shared a common history if not a common outlook.
Amongst the articles are ones on the restoration of the Ulster Canal, an assessment of the Battle of the Boyne, a piece on PFI initiatives and another on policing and a piece on the island-wide economy.
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By: Jim Monaghan Mon, 02 Oct 2017 18:37:40
The most peculiar Tarka King. A friend of EOKA B.
Reply on the CLR