For Peace Independence and Socialism
18th National Congress, Dublin, May 1982

Date: | May 1982 |
Organisation: | Communist Party of Ireland |
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Commentary From The Cedar Lounge Revolution
26th March 2018
Many thanks to the person who scanned and forwarded this to the Archive.
This document is a broad restatement of the principles of the Communist Party of Ireland. It touches on a range of areas, The National Question, For Economic and Social Advance, The Irish Republic, Northern Ireland, the Common Market, Agriculture and the Politics of Struggle.
Avowedly anti-NATO and against continuing membership of the then-EEC, the document outlines the CPI’s vision for Ireland. It argues that:
Only by mobilising on the issues of democratic rights, of national liberation and of social emancipation together can progress be made on any of these fronts. Despite the divisions which exist, there is nevertheless a real basis for an anti-imperialist alliance in these fields, and a basis, and opportunity too, for Left Unity to give the working class a real leadership position – but only if it faces up to the political problem of the national question.
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