Rebel, No. 46

Date: | 13th October 1981 |
Organisation: | Revolutionary Struggle |
Publication: | Rebel |
Issue: | Number 46 |
Type: | Publication Issue |
View: | View Document |
Discuss: | Comments on this document |
Subjects: | Hunger Strikes, 1980/81 |
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Commentary From The Cedar Lounge Revolution
5th November 2018
Many thanks to the person who forwarded this to the Archive.
This edition of Rebel joins those already in the Archive. It has a wide range of topics covered, The Irish Economy, Iran, a letter to Republican News and so on.
But the cover article is perhaps most interesting given that it references the end of the Hunger Strikes.
It notes that:
The hunger strikes dominated the political scene not only in Ireland – where they were the major pole all through the latter part of 1980 and this year – but in Britain too. From Australia to Quebec, Iran to Norway, Nigeria to Greece, France and the USA, international public opinion focused on the struggle of our prisoners.
In the 32 counties the two stages of the hunger strike campaign,the deaths of the 10, the continuous mass activity in support of the prisoners, left no corner of the island untouched. There was hardly a village where black flags and the black on white pictures of the hunger strikers did not tell their own stark story.
It concludes that:
Today more than ever, SILENCE IS NOT GOLDEN. Silence means opportunism and refusing to stand up for our politics for the sake of unity which never was anyway.
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