British Strategy in Northern Ireland
Organisation: Revolutionary Marxist Group
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Subjects: Sunningdale Agreement, 1973 Ulster Workers' Council strike, 1974

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Commentary From The Cedar Lounge Revolution

18th March 2019

Many thanks to the person who forwarded this to the Archive.

This 44 page pamphlet issued by the Revolutionary Marxist Group covers a lot of ground. The contents is reprinted from the RMG’s publication The Plough and covers the period 1973 to 1974. The articles are ‘The White Paper – Why it Failed’, ‘Assembly Farce’, ‘After the Loyalist Election Victory’, ‘The Ulster Workers Council Strike’ and ‘Britain’s New Turn’.

Without question this was a pivotal time in the development of the conflict on the island.

The short introduction notes that

In order to understand the dynamic of the struggle and the tasks of revolutionaries it is essential to have a clear and precise analysis of the development of British strategy.

And it argues that:

In a country whose Marxist tradition may be said to have died with Connolly in 1916 the RMG has made a unique contribution in the Irish revolutionary movement, in analysing British strategy and the tasks of revolutionaries.

And in a situation where the Irish revolutionary movement has been isolated from world revolutionary currents, the RMG, through its memberships of the Fourth International has been able to draw on the valuable experience of its comrades in struggles in Argentina, Chile, American, Japan, Germany, Spain, France, Belgium, Italy and many other countries.

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