Workers' and Unemployed News, November 7th, 1987
Organisation: Workers and Unemployed Movement
Publication: Workers' and Unemployed News
Issue:November 7th, 1987
Type:Publication Issue
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Commentary From The Cedar Lounge Revolution

5th January 2009

This from a contributor to start of the New Year - and many thanks again.

‘Worker & Unemployed News’ from Nov. 7 1987 - 21 years ago nearly to the day. I bought this for 10p outside the dole office in Cork city. The arguments against the National Plan make for interesting reading in the light of what what was actually achieved with the Celtic Tiger. And look at the activity - Two meetings to denounce Brian Lenihan, two meetings against extradition and an ‘All-Ireland Youth Conference’ by another CPI(ML) group ‘Voice of the Youth’

I couldn’t say it better myself, other than to add that while low level in terms of production values at least it appeared. Much appreciated.

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