People's Voice, No. 4

Date: | February 1969 |
Organisation: | Saor Éire [Cork] |
Publication: | People's Voice |
Issue: | Number 4 |
Type: | Publication Issue |
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Commentary From The Cedar Lounge Revolution
23rd September 2019
Many thanks to Jim Lane for forwarding this to the Archive. We intend to post up the remaining issues of People’s Voice over the next three or four months.
This edition from February 1969 has a cartoon of an eviction entitled Cork Scandal on the cover. This, as the editorial notes, was conducted by Amalgamated Society of Woodworkers, where a tenant in the top flat of Carpenters’ Hall was evicted. The piece argues:
Had all this resulted from the actions of a capitalist, you can be sure there would have been noise enough about it from the various Labour bodies. If it had occurred in a communist country, the event would have been availed of to demonstrate ‘once more’ the truth of the claim that communism is unequivocally committed to the destruction of family life. But who cries out when a trade union kicks a family out onto the street..?
The publication continues with a number of pages of analysis of the ASW union and calls upon organised labour to protest.
There is a short piece on the G.A.A. and Civil Rights and another on Angola’s Fight for Freedom. And another mentions ‘street battles in Dublin’ where the indiscriminate batoning and kicking of men, women and children on and near O’Connell Bridge, Dublin on Saturday… by police was an utter disgrace. It cried shortly after demonstrators led by the Dublin Housing Action Committee stages a sit-down on O’Connell Bridge’. Various of those attending, including Sam Nolan and John Feeney are quoted about the incidents.
Finally the publications concludes with the verses of the Internationale.
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By: Dr. X Mon, 23 Sep 2019 12:28:01
I am genuinely amazed to read that Saor Eire hosted a UNITA representative in Cork in the late ’60s. This would have been long before UNITA changed sides in the Cold War, but even so. . .
Is it significant that they don’t mention the MPLA at all?
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By: WorldbyStorm Mon, 23 Sep 2019 12:57:10
In reply to Dr. X.
It would have to be significant. Definitely.
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