Factsheet: Why Vote No to the Austerity Treaty

Date: | 2012 |
Organisation: | United Left Alliance |
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Subjects: | Treaty on Stability, Coordination and Governance in the Economic and Monetary Union Referendum |
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Commentary From The Cedar Lounge Revolution
30th September 2019
Many thanks to Alan Kinsella and Irish Election Literature for this United Left Alliance Fact Sheet on the Austerity Treaty and why one should vote No in the 2012 referendum on the Treaty on Stability, Coordination and Governance in the Economic and Monetary Union .
Bank bailouts, savage attacks on health, education and social welfare budgets; cuts to the public sector; wage cuts; mass unemployment; extra taxes in the form of the universal social charge and the household and septic tank charges; all these attacks have devastated the lives of working class people in Ireland. Far from providing a solution to the economic crisis, these austerity policies have aggravated the situation.
But things are about to get even worse because now the European elites want to institutionalise these policies across Europe with the introduction of a Fiscal Treaty. The Treaty will ensure that there is no escape from the straightjacket of austerity and will mean a further assault on the living standards of working class people in Ireland and across Europe.
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