Liberty News, Vol. 1, No. 1

Date: | 1985 |
Organisation: | Irish Transport and General Workers' Union |
Publication: | Liberty News |
Issue: | Volume 1, Number 1 Spring 1985 |
Type: | Publication Issue |
View: | View Document |
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Please note: The Irish Left Archive is provided as a non-commercial historical resource, open to all, and has reproduced this document as an accessible digital reference. Copyright remains with its original authors. If used on other sites, we would appreciate a link back and reference to The Irish Left Archive, in addition to the original creators. For re-publication, commercial, or other uses, please contact the original owners. If documents provided to The Irish Left Archive have been created for or added to other online archives, please inform us so sources can be credited.
Commentary From The Cedar Lounge Revolution
2nd March 2020
Many thanks to the person who forwarded this to the Archive.
This is an interesting addition to the Archive, with a supplement that will be posted up next week. This eight page document covers a considerable range of topics, leading with a ‘Guarded Welcome for Industrial Relations Plan’. There are pieces on how ‘ICTU meets Govt on Economy’. Another takes the government to task for being ‘Clueless on Jobs’. The leaflet also has pieces on how ICTU ‘backs Dunnes Workers’.
A long piece considers the British Miners’ Strike and the response by Irish workers to that. A piece looks at the retirement of Paddy Devlin. And there are pieces which consider workplace safety. There’s also reports on the last page on international solidarity with trade unions in South Africa and the Americas.
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