Smash Racism, Smash Capitalism Festival
Organisation: Socialist Youth
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Commentary From The Cedar Lounge Revolution

1st February 2021

Many thanks to the person who forwarded this to the Archive.

This document was issued by Socialist Party Youth in Summer 2000 publicising their Smash Racism, Smash Capitalism Festival which was held in Wexford that year.

Events listed include:

A SOCIALIST CHALLENGE TO THE CORRUPT SYSTEM with Socialist Party T.D. JOE HIGGINS & invited speaker from Tipperary Workers and Unemployed Group, SUSAN FITZGERALD, Socialist Party Youth

SATURDAY 12TH AUGUST-Morning meetings -11am


FRAN KENNEDY -Refugee Support Group Wexford & MICK BARRY, Cork Anti Racist Activist




Eye witness account of London May Day protest from ANDREW FLOOD of the Workers Solidarity Movement along with ROB CONNOLLY of Socialist Party Youth.

As well as a discussion asking:


with Declan McKenna -Cuban Support Group and Socialist Party General Secretary Dermot Connolly

More from Socialist Youth

Socialist Youth in the archive


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  • By: Pangurbán Mon, 01 Feb 2021 18:41:35

    Is Dermot Connolly still Secretary of the socialist party?

    Reply on the CLR

  • By: WorldbyStorm Mon, 01 Feb 2021 19:12:49

    In reply to Pangurbán.

    No, he now works with Joan Collins and more broadly with independent leftists and unions.

    Reply on the CLR

  • By: pettyburgess Mon, 01 Feb 2021 21:54:32

    This was about a year before Socialist Youth was founded as a proper youth wing and, I suppose, was part of the process of testing the water. SY was quite prominent for a while and was a major conduit for recruitment during the anti-globalisation and anti-war movement periods but slowly faded over the years afterwards.

    In answer to the question above, Dermot Connolly resigned from the SP in 2003 or 2004 following arguments over tactics in the bin tax movement. I don’t know when he ceased being General Secretary but he had de facto ceased to be the central leader some years before he resigned. After him the SP never formally had another General Secretary although in practical terms he was succeeded by Kevin McLoughlin.

    Reply on the CLR