Oppose Ted Kennedy, U.S. Imperialist!
Organisation: Committee to Oppose Ted Kennedy
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Commentary From The Cedar Lounge Revolution

5th July 2021

Many thanks to the person who forwarded this to the Archive.

This is a fascinating document dating from 1970. It publicises opposition to Ted Kennedy’s visit to Ireland in that year. The provenance of the Committee appears to be the Internationalists at Trinity College Dublin – note the reference to China and economic success in the 1950s. An excellent piece on the visit is available here on Come Here To Me . It appears Kennedy was blockaded by students as he left a lecture he had given in honour of Edmund Burke. The Internationalists made their presence felt elsewhere on his trip.


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  • By: Pangurbán Mon, 05 Jul 2021 11:13:48

    A “where are they now” piece on the maoists would be hugely entertaining
    David vipond for example

    Reply on the CLR