Irish Reporter, No. 16

Date: | 1994 |
Publication: | Irish Reporter |
Issue: | Number 16 Fourth Quarter 1994 |
Info | Ronan Brady, Ruairí Óg Ó Brádaigh, Richard Douthwaite, Damien Kiberd, Peter Mair, Patricia McKenna, Mitchel McLaughlin, Bill Rolston, Paddy Smyth, Mike Tomlinson |
Type: | Publication Issue |
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Commentary From The Cedar Lounge Revolution
1st August 2011
Please note that the contents list of all editions can be found at the following website .
Many thanks to Jim Monaghan for donating this to the Archive.
The Irish Reporter is an interesting magazine, founded in the early 1990s, as the introductory page notes:
…by a group of journalists, academics and community and political activists who felt that a central element was being censored from public discussion of social and political life in Ireland - the national question. We felt that Ireland’s colonial past, and its continuation in the form of the prolonged crisis in the North permeated every aspect of life on the island as a whole and blighted all hope for social and democratic progress while they remained unresolved. Yet there seemed to have emerged a new orthodoxy in the mainstream media and academic life that this issue - and those people most directly affected by it - were to be ignored, or demonised and marginalised. Of course they are not the only people and issues marginalised in public debate and we have sought to give a voice also to those normally excluded when such issues as the family, the economy, emigration and the arts, are discussed; women, gays, the unemployed and working class, the rural poor, travellers, emigrants and dissident intellectual views.
Of the particular issue, entitled ‘Peace and Then What?’, which appeared after the first IRA cessation, the preface notes:
This issue of the IP was drawn together at an important turning point - just as the national question reached political centre stag, and the Souther government threw its weight behind the efforts of John Hume and Gerry Adams to bring about an end to the military campaign in the North.
And as part of engaging with that it continues:
We have the view of Mitchel McLaughlin, directly involved in that process, and Bill Rolston, directly affected by it. Importantly, we carry an analysis by Ruairi Og O’Bradaigh, a Republican opposed to the politics of Adams and Hume.
One of the most interesting articles is by Ronan Brady which argues that Conor Cruise O’Brien, Michael McDowell and others played a particularly negative role in terms of vitriol that entered into the public discourse.
It’s worth considering many of the familiar names involved, from Carol Coulter to Declan Kiberd and Mary Cullen.
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By: Left Archive: Irish Reporter, Issue 16, fourth quarter 1994 « Articles « Theology of Ministry Mon, 01 Aug 2011 12:20:31
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Reply on the CLR
By: Jim Monaghan Mon, 01 Aug 2011 13:12:51
Carol was a long term member of Paddy Healys group, League for a Workers Republic. The IR produced a journal and later a few books. A useful contribution to debate.Brady joined SF, I think. he had been around PD.
Reply on the CLR
By: Editors Sun, 26 Feb 2012 22:36:38
In reply to Jim Monaghan.
The Irish Reporter list of contents for all editions from 1991 to 1999 can be found at
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By: WorldbyStorm Sun, 26 Feb 2012 22:49:10
In reply to Editors.
Thanks a million. A very interesting magazine.
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