Ballymun Echo, February/March 2001

Date: | 2001 |
Publication: | Ballymun Echo |
Issue: | February/March 2001 |
Info | Willie Abbott, Sean Ó Cionnaith, Barney Hartnett |
Type: | Publication Issue |
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Please note: The Irish Left Archive is provided as a non-commercial historical resource, open to all, and has reproduced this document as an accessible digital reference. Copyright remains with its original authors. If used on other sites, we would appreciate a link back and reference to The Irish Left Archive, in addition to the original creators. For re-publication, commercial, or other uses, please contact the original owners. If documents provided to The Irish Left Archive have been created for or added to other online archives, please inform us so sources can be credited.
Commentary From The Cedar Lounge Revolution
27th September 2021
Many thanks to the person who forwarded this to the Archive.
This is an unusual addition to the Archive consisting of a local community newspaper printed for the Ballymun area in Dublin. As the front page notes the publications was first published in July 1982 and also that it is ‘published by Ballymunner’s for Ballymunners’. There is also a note that states ‘The Echo is not connected with any political party’.
The contents across twenty four pages includes articles on local politics, taking a very critical line of the Labour Party in particular as with the front page article criticising their councillors for voting for rubbish collection charges, and advertising. There are pieces by familiar names such as Sean O’Cionnaith of the Workers’ Party as well as a brief interview with Tony Gregory. There’s also a piece by Residents Against Racism.
An intriguing mix and perhaps someone can supply more information on the publication?
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My dads Paper
By: Leon Hartnett | 9th December 2021, 9:50am
Hi yes this was my dads paper and as a trade unionist and Trotskist as well as a community activist he had a tendency to say what he felt. He ran the paper from approx 1983 to approx 2009. felt.
Re: My dads Paper
By: Aonrud | 9th December 2021, 10:23am
Many thanks for the info Leon. That's impressively long-running.
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