TILT (The Irish Labour Tribune), Vol. 2, No. 1

Date: | 1999 |
Organisation: | Labour |
Publication: | TILT |
Issue: | Volume 2, Number 1 Spring 1999 |
Info | Tommy Broughan, Francis Devine, Peter Fitzgerald, Michael McLoughlin, Scott Millar, Ruairi Quinn, Proinsias De Rossa |
Type: | Publication Issue |
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Commentary From The Cedar Lounge Revolution
1st November 2021
Many thanks to the person who forwarded this to the Archive.
This is a particularly interesting example of TILT, which joins another edition in the Archive. Published by the Labour Party this publication by that party is of special significance since it marks the merger of Democratic Left and the Labour Party in the Labour Party.
The front page article notes:
Many said it would never happen, some indeed said it shouldn’t, but on the 24th of January 1999 the Rotunda Hospital saw the delivery of a new political force.
It continues:
This union… has entwined radical Republicanism and the Labour movement into an entity which embodies the best opportunity for Irish progressive politics since the foundation of the State. We, at this first combined conference, must establish a firm resolve and strategic direction in order to provide the Irish people with a government of the Left sooner rather than later.
And in relation to TILT itself it states:
The Irish Labour Tribune, with its new editorial team, will continue to provide a blend of party news, opinion pieces, reviews, the odd humorous piece and a number of new features. TILT will be independent, innovative, but most importantly of all interesting.
The first number of pages have satirical analysis under the rubric ‘Droopier’ including:
Greens Fail to Surprise: Mr. Nutty will be standing for the Greens in the forthcoming Euro elections. No surprises there.
There is an overview of the life and work of the late TD Pat Upton by Tommy Broughan TD. Another piece by then leader of the Labour Party, Ruairi Quinn TD to an article on social democracy by Fintan O’Toole in The Irish Times.
I reject Fintan’s assertion that the Left has spent so much time trimming its sails to the prevailing winds that it no longer knows what voyage it is on. Rather, the assertion by Patrick Smith that the phenomenon of globalisation has yet to find an adequate response is closer to the truth. Put simply, socialism in one country clearly failed and in the modern world there is no future for social democracy in one country either.
Scott Millar offers a piece on the first elections which were yet to be held to the devolved parliament that May. He notes ‘any real threat to labour victory comes from the Left, with even the Liberal Democrats manifesto having more redistributionary aspirations. The SNP has practically sidelined the cherished goal of independence and is emphasising a wide ranging social programme… under the leadership of Alex Salmond the party has clearly defined its social-democratic position…’
There is a debate between Michael McLoughlin and Proinsias De Rossa making the case for and against Irish membership of Partnership for Peace. There’s an examination of ‘internet sites of the US presidential hopefuls’ and a ‘Begrudgers Guide to Conference 1999’.
Other pieces include book reviews, Robert Stradling’s ‘The Irish and the Spanish Civil War 1936-1939’ is reviewed. And last is an ‘If I ruled the world’ from Brendan O’Carroll.
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