Look Left, Vol. 4, No. 1

Date: | 2009 |
Organisation: | The Workers' Party |
Publication: | Look Left |
Issue: | Volume 4, Number 1 March 2009 |
Type: | Publication Issue |
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Commentary From The Cedar Lounge Revolution
10th January 2022
This is a very useful addition to the Archive, being an edition of Look Left from the Workers’ Party from the late 2000s. Look Left as a magazine has become a key element of the Workers’ Party public profile engaging with a range of voices on the Irish Left including those within the party. This edition, sixteen pages long, contains a number of pieces ranging from a front page article dealing with a march of 120,000 people through Dublin in February 2009 protesting at the financial and economic crisis.
The editorial discusses the march and suggests:
At this time it is vital that workers remain united and do not let the employers divide them. All workers are under attack. The government has chopped the wages of all its workers through the so-called pensions Levy. Tom Parlon and the big builders want to cho 10% off the wages of construction wages. Mark Fielding and ISME want to abolish the minimum wage for those working at the lowest level of the economy. The list goes on.
Other articles examine the cutbacks in CIE on foot of the crisis and similar cuts on Special Education classes. Another notes the Lisbon Treaty, and argues against a re-run.
There is a piece on the launch by the Workers’ Party of an Alternative Economic Policy and calls for the immediate nationalisation of the banks. Another piece looks at the Dublin Docklands Development Authority and then candidate for the Workers Party, Malachy Steenson is quoted as saying ‘the DDDA has moved from being a body for community regeneration to a vehicle for Anglo Irish Bank building speculation’.
There’s a wide range of other articles including a piece by Bob Doyle of the International Brigades on why he joined them.
Another notable piece is one calling for a halt to the then-extradition of Ard Comhairle member and former President of the party, Sean Garland by the United States.
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