Socialist Worker, No. 354
Organisation: Socialist Workers' Party
Publication: Socialist Worker
Issue:Number 354
November 24 - December 7 2012
Contributors: Info
Kieran Allen, Richard Boyd Barrett, Karl Gill, Nichola Harvey, Eugene McDonagh, John Molyneux, Julie Sherry
Type:Publication Issue
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Commentary From The Cedar Lounge Revolution

16th May 2022

To view a more complete archive at Socialist Worker Issues please go here .

This edition of Socialist Worker joins others in the Archive and is the first from the 2010s. As is well known Socialist Worker is the newspaper of the Socialist Workers’ Party, formerly the Socialist Workers’ Movement. This edition dates from a time of very great political activity. The front page headline calls for a Boycott of the Property tax and a 24 Hour General Strike. There are pieces on the death of Savita Halappanavar who was denied an abortion.

Another piece examines the role of the Labour Party and argues that it ‘strangles union resistance’. There is a Briefing Document on an Alternative Budget from Richard Boyd Barrett. And other pieces look at the track record of the Obama administration in the US, austerity budgets in Greece and the plight of Gaza.

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