The Oil Is Ours!

Date: | 1973 c. |
Organisation: | Resources Protection Campaign |
Type: | Leaflet |
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Please note: The Irish Left Archive is provided as a non-commercial historical resource, open to all, and has reproduced this document as an accessible digital reference. Copyright remains with its original authors. If used on other sites, we would appreciate a link back and reference to The Irish Left Archive, in addition to the original creators. For re-publication, commercial, or other uses, please contact the original owners. If documents provided to The Irish Left Archive have been created for or added to other online archives, please inform us so sources can be credited.
Commentary From The Cedar Lounge Revolution
13th June 2022
Many thanks to the person who donated this to the Archive.
As noted previously the Resources Protection Campaign was formed on October 10th 1973 and campaigned for state responsibility for the extraction of natural resources, and against tax breaks and low-cost sell-offs for private exploitation. It grew out of the Resources Study Group, which was established in Trinity College Dublin in 1970.
As described in The Lost Revolution (Hanley and Miller):
The Resources Protection Campaign, launched in late 1973, had become a key area of [Official] Sinn Féin agitation. The RPC had emerged from a Sinn Féin initiative to bring together groups on the left in a broad campaign demanding the nationalisation of mining and energy rights, which were mainly being sold to US multinationals. The campaign initially drew heavily upon the work of the Trinity College Resources Study Group which had called for ‘nationalisation without compensation’ of Irish mines under the slogan ‘Chile took it back – so will Ireland!’.
This document outlines the key aspects of the Campaign – in particular the need for a state oil company and points to the fact that;
The Resources Protection Campaign has now got four branches in Dublin City, and branches in UCD, TCD, Cork, Galway, Letterkenny and Kilkenny. We want new members to be active locally in disseminating information to the public, by holding meetings and forming further branches.
More from Resources Protection Campaign
Resources Protection Campaign in the archive
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