An Phoblacht Republican News, Iml. 2, Uimh. 5

Date: | 1980 |
Organisation: | Sinn Féin |
Publication: | An Phoblacht Republican News |
Issue: | Volume 2, Number 5 Dé Saithairn Feabhra 2 1980 |
Type: | Publication Issue |
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Commentary From The Cedar Lounge Revolution
20th February 2023
This edition of An Phoblacht/Republican News joins others in the Archive.
The front page article argues:
AS THE LONG-SUFFERING VlCTIMS of massive injustice the mass of the Irish people are also the too frequent objects of heavy-handed hypocrisy from both our foreign and native oppressors -especially from those Fianna Fail and SDLP collaborators who seek refuge and consolation in the pockets of the imperialist establishment.
And it continues:
In recent weeks out-spoken lovers of national freedom from foreign troops have sprung up everywhere. Not, however, to protest at the continued occupation of the Northern corner of this country by fifteen-thousand British gunmen and a similar number of sectarian UDR and RUC auxiliaries, but to protest at the presence in Afghanistan of Russian troops.
A presentation of books to University College, Cork, from the Russian embassy, due to take place on Wednesday, was cancelled because of that ‘invasion’. How many similar presentations to academic institution, from England have been cancelled in the last decade, or before?
And it states:
Defending the Cork decision a learned professor from University College Dublin, spoke of the even more abhorrent ‘Internal exile’ of the Russian dissident Sakharov by Soviet regime. How many academics and intellactuals, North or South, have spoken out against the much more horrific ‘internal exile’ of nearly four-hundred freedom-loving Irish ‘dissidents’ to naked solitary confinement in the H-blocks of Long Kesh?
Other reports look at the H-Blocks, the funeral of Guiseppe Conlon, a report on a Birmingham march commemorating Bloody Sunday and a two page report on the 1980 Derry commemoration of Bloody Sunday. There’s also an interview with the director of the Patriot Game film.
There’s a short piece towards the back of the publication which notes:
AT THE RECENT Sinn Fein Ard Fheis, motions concerning ‘women’ were discussed for the first time and the point was made repeatedly, that Sinn Fein have neglected women’s issues. The concept of Economic Resistance, however, as outlined in the accepted ‘Eire Nua – the Social Dimension’ can include problems affecting the daily lives of women: contraception, family law, childcare and education. These problems ere both economic and social, and in some cases are heightened, in other cases caused, by British imperialism.
The new Sinn Fein Co-ordinating Committee on Women’s Affairs will soon be arranging a meeting for Sinn Fein women to discuss these problems, which may be controversial, but are surely pressing. Women interested should contact the Co-ordinating Committee on Women’s Affairs, 85b Falls Road, Belfast, or 44 Parnell Square, Dublin.
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By: Alibaba Mon, 20 Feb 2023 17:39:00
I must admit to being a little surprised to see this criticism of Sinn Féin’s record on women’s issues in its own paper:
‘AT THE RECENT Sinn Fein Ard Fheis, motions concerning ‘women’ were discussed for the first time and the point was made repeatedly, that Sinn Fein have neglected women’s issues. … The new Sinn Fein Co-ordinating Committee on Women’s Affairs will soon be arranging a meeting for Sinn Fein women to discuss these problems, which may be controversial [contraception, family law, childcare and education], but are surely pressing.’
A pro-choice policy was adopted at the 1985 party conference, but it was abandoned afterwards. Gerry Adams had warned ‘We need to avoid issues which are too local, partial or divisive’, meaning politically inexpedient I believe ‘… It’s a question of using political judgement and never adopting positions which weaken the overall thrust of the movement towards national freedom’.
More than three decades after the X Case SF refused to support a right to choose demonstration in the year we won the Repeal of the Eighth Amendment. Why? Because it went beyond their policy of permitting abortion only in cases of rape, incest and fatal foetal abnormality. When SF realised that the popular mood was very different, partially due to serious weakening of clerical power, it changed course just before the 2018 Repeal referendum. I think I mentioned this before, but it’s worth repeating anyway.
One wonders what comes next.
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