Public Talk: Éirígí – 15 Years On & The Fight For a New Republic
Organisation: Éirígí
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Public Talk
“Éirígí – 15 Years On & The Fight For a New Republic”

Brian Leeson (Cathaoirleach Éirígí)
John Douglas (Former General Secretary of Mandate Trade Union)
Fiona Moran (Éirígí Spokesperson on Energy)
Chaired by Breandán McCionnaith

Talk followed by ceoil, ól agus craic
13th November, Teachers Club, 5pm to 8pm

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Commentary From The Cedar Lounge Revolution

8th May 2023

This poster join other materials from Éirígí in the Archive for which many thanks to Éirígí Activist.

This is a particularly interesting poster in that it publicises a 15th Anniversary event held to celebrate the establishment of Éirígí. As noted on Wiki:

Éirígí is a socialist republican political party in Ireland. It was formed by a small group of former Sinn Féin activists in Dublin in April 2006 as a political campaigns group. On 12 May 2007, at the party’s first Ardfheis (conference), its members voted to become a full-fledged political party, and at its 2009 conference passed a motion to register as a political party in the Republic of Ireland. Since March 2010, the party has been registered to contest local elections only.

Which makes this week the 17th anniversary of the founding of the party.

As noted in previous posts we are very interested in non-electoral posters (those are best forwarded to Irish Election Literature ).

More from Éirígí

Éirígí in the archive


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