Workers Solidarity, No. 104

Date: | August 2008 |
Organisation: | Workers' Solidarity Movement |
Publication: | Workers Solidarity |
Issue: | Number 104 |
Info | Paul Bowman, Chekov Feeney, Ray Hanrahan, Bob Kavanagh, Ronan McHugh |
Type: | Publication Issue |
View: | View Document |
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Commentary From The Cedar Lounge Revolution
30th October 2023
Many thanks to the person who forwarded this to the Archive. An edition of Workers Solidarity from the Workers Solidarity Movement it is of particular interest due to the format – A3, with 4 pages on one side of the sheet and a large centre section. Although the text version is available at the … site this PDF includes scans of the full scale of the document front and back.
The front page article is headlined ‘The Triumph of Greed Over Need’ and argues:
Although tell many politicians and developers will you that the property crash is nobody’s fault -due to market conditions -the they are simply liars. The reality is that property was bubble was entirely predictable. The problem that a significant number of cash capitalists were making shed-loads of off rising prices: developers, bankers, landowners and so on.
And it concludes by arguing that:
Demanding more public housing, opposing planning corruption, resisting evictions, protesting poor condition and many other actions can give workers some measure of control over the housing market. As the property crash intensifies, more and more people will have to choose between fighting back and penury. The sooner we start organising the better.
Other pieces examine the role of ICTU, The Lisbon Treaty vote. There are pieces on ‘US Dockers strike against the war [in Iraq]’ and another asserting that ‘The HSE Board have an interest in running down health service’. There’s also a piece on ‘Thinking About Anarchism’ which addresses the issue of ‘Why Class Matters’. The following is the conclusion:
A truly revolutionary movement can only come from the action of the working class as a class. We arc the ones who keep society running. it is well within our ability to remove the political and economic apparatus that forces most of the population 10 work for the benefit of a privileged ehtc. Our experience of working co•opcrativcly under capitalism prepares us to take control. Victories in our everyday struggles to improve working and living conditions teach us confidence.
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By: entdinglichung Tue, 31 Oct 2023 08:38:10
miss the WSM stuff, they were my favourite anarchist org
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By: WorldbyStorm Tue, 31 Oct 2023 09:05:08
In reply to entdinglichung.
It’s good stuff isn’t it?
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By: Colm B Tue, 31 Oct 2023 19:03:02
I had left Ireland before the WSM fell apart so I never fully understood how they went from a small but growing organisation with an open culture that seemed on the way to a breakthrough, to extinction in a few years?
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