A Statement Of Intent
Organisation: Fronta Nua
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Commentary From The Cedar Lounge Revolution

10th June 2024

This is an interesting addition to the Archive, an organisation entitled Fronta Nua.

They have an X/Twitter account which notes:

An autonomous, Dublin based action group that will engage on all urgent fronts, from anti-fascism to feminism and housing. See you in the streets.

This eight page booklet outlines their approach, and notes under the heading “Intentions and Critiques” that they have identified why, in comparison to Italy, Germany or France, ‘the political movement here in Ireland is weak.

These factors are:

Political dogmatism:

If we agree that theory is important, we do not believe pigeonholing is productive. We have to believe in a popular front across a radical political line, a pace where different opinions and strategises can interact and crate a radical front against fascism.

Underground Strategy

Although we are aware of state repression and take the threat seriously we do not think that exclusively clandestine organising is a solution. There is important cine organising publicly accessible events and actions. It is hard for the state to target a thousand rather than a hundred, so we need the construction of a culture of mass movement here in Ireland.

Lack of Collaboration

Lack of collaboration or coordination between groups makes any movement fragile, bye the single fact that it shrikes our numbers and weakens our ranks. Open, non-sectarian interactions with other groups are the way forward – no broader movement can be built on the backs. Of a few fringe organisations. As the saying goes – it takes a village.

It is urgent to create a new group that will implement theory and action while considering how our world is evolving, all form a revolutionary perspective. The catastrophe is here, today and we are committed to building a united front to counter it.


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  • By: pettyburgess Mon, 10 Jun 2024 13:16:42

    I presume this is people leaving the AIA orbit, judging by the references to “underground” organisation

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  • By: WorldbyStorm Mon, 10 Jun 2024 13:18:10

    In reply to alanmyler.

    How serious is it? Dunno. It feels like a stunt. All that said how do we deal with the fact a man or woman and a dog can set up a blog or Twitter account or whatever? Or print materials.

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  • By: WorldbyStorm Mon, 10 Jun 2024 13:18:45

    In reply to pettyburgess.

    Id wondered about that too.

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  • By: Colm B Mon, 10 Jun 2024 16:51:39

    In reply to pettyburgess.

    Sorry for my ignorance, I m living in exile after all, but what is AIA?

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  • By: pettyburgess Mon, 10 Jun 2024 17:10:46

    In reply to Colm B.

    Chairman Gonzalo fanclub with as many front names as members.

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  • By: WorldbyStorm Mon, 10 Jun 2024 17:37:52

    In reply to pettyburgess.

    Ah, interesting, thanks. So there’s a split. The harp logo is unusual. It’s a real throwback to the 19th century. Not even bothering with the tricolour which would be more explicable, or the starry plough.

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  • By: banjoagbeanjoe Mon, 10 Jun 2024 17:52:55

    In reply to Colm B.

    I think AIA stands for Anti-Imperialist Alliance?

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  • By: vincentdoherty Tue, 11 Jun 2024 02:34:41

    They must have come from somewhere? Be interesting to know from where?

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  • By: Colm B Tue, 11 Jun 2024 06:58:11

    FFS, at a time when we face the serious threat of fascism for the first time since the Blueshirts, we get idiots cosplaying as Shining Path. Jeezus wept.

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  • By: roddy Tue, 11 Jun 2024 07:57:25

    In reply to Colm B.

    Shining path wore wellingtons.Can’t see that catching on in Dublin.

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  • By: vincentdoherty Wed, 12 Jun 2024 12:39:23

    They must have come from somewhere? Be interesting to know from where?

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  • By: WorldbyStorm Wed, 12 Jun 2024 14:01:11

    In reply to vincentdoherty.

    Looks like a split from Anti imperialist Action – which produced this:


    It attempts to make the case that Seamus Costello and the IRSP were Maoist.

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  • By: banjoagbeanjoe Wed, 12 Jun 2024 14:34:34

    In reply to WorldbyStorm.

    Why do you say a split as opposed to another front organisation for the same group? As pb says above AIA has as many fronts as members.

    Also why am I bothering my whole with this irrelevancy?

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  • By: WorldbyStorm Wed, 12 Jun 2024 14:41:05

    In reply to banjoagbeanjoe.

    Because pettyburgess suggested as much! 🙂

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  • By: pettyburgess Wed, 12 Jun 2024 16:11:14

    In reply to banjoagbeanjoe.

    I’m guessing it’s a split rather than another front because it criticises “underground” organisation.

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  • By: eochair Wed, 19 Jun 2024 15:55:24

    In reply to alanmyler.

    The font looks like OpenDyslexic, so it’s likely an accessibility choice.

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  • By: WorldbyStorm Wed, 19 Jun 2024 20:17:04

    In reply to eochair.

    That sent me down an interesting rabbit hole eochair. Generally any sans serif font – comic sans through to Arial will do the trick, though I supposed letter spacing as wide as possible would probably help. It’d be useful to know was that the intention of those producing this.

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  • By: Tomboktu Wed, 19 Jun 2024 23:03:13

    In reply to WorldbyStorm.

    A decade or so ago, the need to make sure our documents at work were available in a version for people with vision impairments fell to me. (Versions for people with cognitive impairments came later.)

    One senior manager’s advice was just to make the typeface, if I recall correctly, 16 pt. I went looking for the advice on that. The NCBI (add it was then) did have a document with that advice, which it says was based on a more comprehensive comment from the main UK organisation of blind people. However, I could not find that document.

    Eventually, a bit of digging clarified that it had been withdrawn because the advice was disputed and the evidence was slim to non-existent.

    That led me to The Simplification Centre, originally a unit in (aptly) Reading University but now spun off following the main honcho’s retirement. I found their technical papers to be very interesting. And yes, Technical Paper No. 10 did challenge the RNIB’s advice:

    A commentary piece, initiating a debate about the RNIB’s Clear Print standard. We felt their recommendations went too far – all print would be so large that effective layout would be impossible – and were not sufficiently based on evidence.


    It turns out that a lot of the advice had not been tested on actual people with actual vision impairments – or others.

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  • By: Wes Ferry Thu, 20 Jun 2024 04:48:41

    In reply to Tomboktu.

    Far too many organisations and bright-eyed young designers (including on the Left) fail to take account of deteriorating eyesight amongst even old socialists 🙋🏻‍♂️ they’re supposed to be trying to reach.

    Nowadays, I just won’t bother with otherwise worthy flyers or blogs with annoyingly hard to read fancy fonts, packed text or extensive use of italics.

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  • By: banjoagbeanjoe Thu, 20 Jun 2024 07:04:00

    In reply to Tomboktu.

    There’s definitely work to be done by anyone standing for election – how to produce the most effective leaflets and posters. Content, sure, but presentation including layout, typeface and size, readability generally.

    You’ll never please everyone though. Young me that wanted detail and didn’t care how small or dense the print was versus old codger who wants readable, punchy bullet points and no long sentences.

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