Marxist-Leninist Weekly, Vol. 19, No. 8

Date: | 8th March 1989 |
Organisation: | Communist Party of Ireland (Marxist-Leninist) |
Publication: | Marxist-Leninist Weekly |
Issue: | Volume 19, Number 8 |
Type: | Publication Issue |
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Commentary From The Cedar Lounge Revolution
20th June 2024
Many thanks to the person who forwarded this to the Archive.
This edition of Marxist-Leninist Weekly dates from early 1989. The lead article deals with the then crisis in Yugoslavia and argues that:
In the context of the aspect of the Yugoslav crisis [Slobodan Milosevic] has become the focus for the greatest apprehensions about where events in that country are leading – the growing pretensions of great Serb chauvinism for hegemony over the Yugoslav federation, a policy of flagrant aggrandisement which Milosevic has built his dubious reputation.
Of course there has been growing resistance of the other participants in the federation to this great Serb pressure, a pressure for a certain kind of unitary state – one under Serb domination – which has thrown up into the air all kinds of old rivalries amongst the ruling circles with their competing factions, as well as justified resistance to the denial of national rights due to the different elements in what is after all a union of various nations and nationalities.
And it notes in particular the issue of Kosova.
Another piece looks at Michael Stone, the loyalist who attacked the funeral of the Gibraltar Six in Milton Cemetery Belfast and argues:
The picture of Michael Stone has been of the stereo-typed kind of psychopathic mass-murdered which has become notorious in various imperialist societies, such as America or Britain, but given. Particular ‘Northern Ireland sectarian’ twist.
There’s also a piece on International Women’s Day and this concludes:
Marxist-Leninist Weekly hails the great contribution fo women I all the democratic and revolutionary struggles for social progress and political freedom in Ireland and abroad and stresses the necessity for greatly increased numbers of women to get organised to fight for their rights and those of the people.
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