The Revolution Will Not Be Motorised
Young Greens Transport Policy 2006

Date: | 2006 |
Organisation: | Young Greens |
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Commentary From The Cedar Lounge Revolution
25th June 2024
Many thanks to the person who forwarded this to the Archive.
A short four page document from the Young Greens in 2006. This focuses on transport and a transport ‘Revolution’. The headline announces that: The Revolution will not be Motorised.
And the front page article argues:
In Ireland today our attitudes to the issue of transportation remains one of ignorance. Poorly managed resources have led to a poor and unreliable public transport system leading most of the population to the roads, when oil was cheap and the roads anew and plenty. But now the Mecca of motors is causing gridlock in our major cities and reducing quality of life and air with not only health and environmental repercussions but increasing carnage on our roads. We as Young People encounter these problems in some facet of our every day lives and as Young Greens we call for a radical and sustainable solution.
We have asked Ministers, C.E.O’s and most importantly students what they think the main problems and best remedies are. Based on these answers was born our Student Transport Campaign “The Revolution will not be Motorised”.
The document you are now holding is a culmination of those Ministerial Answers, extensive research and the Young Greens National Third Level Student Survey 2006. By incorporating your input with working solutions investigated in campuses across the country we aim to recommend a new mode of best practice in student transport provision.
The document also carries the results of a survey ‘carried out in NUI Galway, Trinity College Dublin, UCD and DLAIT’ which it asserts ‘forms the backbone of our policy’. The polling suggests that in answer to the question ‘would you be prepared to switch from driving your car to other means of transport? 41.8% say No, 32.79% say Yes and 25.41% say Maybe. It suggests that ‘reading the results it would have us believe that the vast majority of drivers want to move to other forms of transport’.
Other pieces include an account of a TCD student giving their perception of travel options.
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By: banjoagbeanjoe Mon, 24 Jun 2024 11:24:51
Óige Ghlas. That’s a G not a C.
Reply on the CLR
By: alanmyler Mon, 24 Jun 2024 16:58:56
Active travel. We’re in Germany at the moment, cycling the Danube cycle path. 600 km from the source of the river in the Black Forest to the Austrian border. Brilliant cycling infrastructure. Cycle paths everywhere. Not just the main path itself, but in the towns and villages and cities, and criss crossing the countryside. People use the paths. Bikes everywhere in the villages, towns, cities. Loads of ebikes used by people older than ourselves here on CLR (average). Men and women. Going to the shop for groceries, on the bike. Ok, partly it’s weather related maybe, but really it doesn’t rain all that much in Ireland, beyond the Atlantic coast obviously. We could do it too. But we’ve a very very long way to go to put in that sort of infrastructure.
Reply on the CLR
By: Fergal Mon, 24 Jun 2024 18:04:34
In reply to alanmyler.
Great stuff, Alan! Sounds like a brilliant holiday…
€2bn to be spent upgrading a motorway between Cork and Limerick … any new rail track being laid or old ones being brought back? The Greens in government…
Reply on the CLR
By: banjoagbeanjoe Mon, 24 Jun 2024 19:14:47
In reply to Fergal.
There’ll be cycle lanes on the Cork Limerick motorway, I read. And tolls.
Reply on the CLR
By: Fergal Mon, 24 Jun 2024 20:01:27
In reply to banjoagbeanjoe.
Cylce lanes on a motorway!
Be still my beating heart…
Hope the auld Covid isn’t too bad
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