Vote Leave

Date: | 2016 |
Organisation: | Éirígí |
Type: | Leaflet |
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Subjects: | UK Brexit Referendum |
Please note: The Irish Left Archive is provided as a non-commercial historical resource, open to all, and has reproduced this document as an accessible digital reference. Copyright remains with its original authors. If used on other sites, we would appreciate a link back and reference to The Irish Left Archive, in addition to the original creators. For re-publication, commercial, or other uses, please contact the original owners. If documents provided to The Irish Left Archive have been created for or added to other online archives, please inform us so sources can be credited.
Commentary From The Cedar Lounge Revolution
15th July 2024
Many thanks to the person who scanned and forwarded this to the Archive.
This leaflet joins others in the Archive from Éirígí and as a policy oriented one is of particular interest, not least due to it advocating a Leave vote at the referendum held in 2016 over the membership of the United Kingdom of the European Union.
The leaflet argues that:
The 1916 Proclamation asserted the Right of the Irish people to control their own destiny free from the British Empire. The signatories believe in the Irish nation and our ability to create a successful Independent Irish Republic. The political establishment of 1916 mocked that belief, arguing to stay in the British Empire in return for British trinkets.
Note that this is designed to address those within Northern Ireland.
On June 23rd Believe in yourself and your community – Believe in the strength of an organised working class – Believe in our ability to create a successful new Irish Republic free for the diktats of the British state and the EU – Believe and Vote Leave.
The leaflet gives five primary reasons for a Leave vote. These are ‘For Irish Independence; For True Freedom; For Democracy; For a better Europe; For Peace.
Of particular interest is the first reason. The leaflet notes: ‘A British withdrawal from the EU will also bring Britain into unchartered constitutional waters potentially triggering another Scottish referendum and the break-up of the current ‘British Union’. Such constitutional change can only be beneficial to the cause of Irish independence.’
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By: Et Pluribus Mon, 15 Jul 2024 07:48:36
Believe in our ability to create a successful new Irish Republic free for the diktats of the British state and the EU – Believe and Vote Leave
This was and is a delusional, irresponsible political position to claim. The established history of the southern state, since it was established and circumscribed by the British in the 1921 treaty, is a football liberally kicked around by London and rarely able to get beyond a reflective cringe towards the UK (Dev excepted).
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By: banjoagbeanjoe Mon, 15 Jul 2024 08:43:14
In reply to Et Pluribus.
Éirígí can speak for themselves. But I’d guess the ‘successful new Irish Republic’ they’re talking about is a new 32 county Republic and that they’d probably broadly agree with your description of the ‘southern state’.
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By: Et Pluribus Mon, 15 Jul 2024 09:28:41
In reply to banjoagbeanjoe.
That’s covered under their ‘will also’ postscript.
The main Éirigí pro-Brexit talking-point here (escaping ‘diktats’) is pretty much the same wrong-headed argument as articulated by the SP and SWP, whose parent organisations in the UK have tended to have a rather British unionist view of things. If we hadn’t had the EU at our back during Brexit (and the Trump-run US was no help to us) thumbscrews would’ve been liberally applied to the ROI to try to force us out, too
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