United Irishman, Vol. 34, No. 2
Organisation: Sinn Féin [Official]
Publication: The United Irishman
Issue:Volume 34, Number 2
Feabhra (February) 1976
Type:Publication Issue
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Commentary From The Cedar Lounge Revolution

1st October 2024

This is a particularly interesting example of the United Irishman from Official Sinn Féin dating from 1976. It contains a wide range of articles, ranging from an Ard Fheis Report to pieces on calls to isolate South Africa.

The editorial addresses two issues of then contemporary resonance. One looks at a refinery for Dublin and argues:


Dublin’s Community Coun­cillors were elected it would seem on the emotive use of the term ‘community’, apart that is from some gimmicky name changing by Mr. Loftus. Their main interest is now clear, to protect the welfare of property owners and a variety of near cranks. If nothing else the demand for an oil refinery located in Dublin has brought this out. It is to be hoped that the electorate will remember at the right time.



The pattern of sectarian killings in the North is composed of a sickening predictability. The workers’ bus, the shot through the windows and the duffle bag bomb are the features of a psychopathetic campaign which continues to blot out political activity in the North. But undoubtedly the increase in pub bombings this past few months demonstrates that the killers in their search for soft targets have plumbed the depths in their desi

The front page piece asserts under the headline: THE LEFT ALTERNATIVE

A packed Mansion House, Dublin , gave all the speakers prolonged applause at the first public meeting convened by Sinn Fein, the Com­munist Party and the Liaison. Committee of the Labour Left. Representing Sinn Fein were Uachtaran Tomas Mac Giolla and Director of Economic Affairs, Eamonn Smullen. Tomas Mac Giolla expressed the feelings of the audience when he sald, “It was our grave concern at the massive and growing level of unemployment that brought Sinn Feih and the other two groups at this meeting together. We were particularly concerned at the fact this is not going to be a short-term crisis. We believe that the present recession will continue well into 1977, but even after that the situation in Ireland is going to be one of continuing grave crisis for workers.

There are also greetings to the Ard Fheis from Republican Prisoners in Long Kesh and Portlaoise which notes:

We send greetings to our comrades at tending the 70th Sinn Fein Ard Fheis in the Mansion House, Dublin. In the North and· South of our country Sinn Fein is well to the fore in the battle to build a better society free from imperialist domination: the 70th Ard Fheis must -be an occasion to re dedicate the party to that struggle.

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