Don’t Let the Council Bully You
Date:2002 c.
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Joan Collins
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Subjects: Anti-Bin Tax Campaign

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Commentary From The Cedar Lounge Revolution

9th December 2024

This document joins others in the Archive from the Anti-Bin Tax Campaign. As noted in the Archive:

The Anti-Bin Tax Campaign opposed the introduction of bin charges (garbage-collection fees) by local authorities in Ireland. The campaign centred largely in city areas, in particular Dublin. It was locally based with some co-ordination in the Dublin area.

This iteration of the campaign dates from the 2000s – the document mentions non-payment of charges for 2002. Of particular note is how the campaign was localised, with meetings in the Harolds Cross – Dublin 6 – Terenure areas and with contact details for local left wing activists. Also notable is the information on how local councillors voted.


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