Socialist Youth Forum
Organisation: Socialist Youth
Contributors: Info
Sean Crowe, Mick Murphy, Matt Waine
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Socialist Youth Forum

The Life and Ideas of Che Guevara
1.30pm, Matt Waine, Socialist Youth

What way forward for the Peace Process?
Mick Murphy, Socialist Party rep Dublin SW & Cllr Sean Crowe, Sinn Féin, 3.15pm

Abberly Court Hotel, Tallaght
1.30-5pm, Sat. 21 April

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Commentary From The Cedar Lounge Revolution

29th December 2024

A short leaflet from the Socialist Youth Forum run by the Socialist Party. Of particular interest is the session with then Sinn Féin Councillor Sean Crowe and SP rep Mick Murphy. This notes;

Mick Murphy is the Socialist Party candidate for Tallaght. In the last General Election Mick got over 2,500 votes from the people of Tallaght. Mick and the Socialist Party aims to build a new genuine working class alternative to take on the corrupt rotten politics of the other parties. We are proud to stand in the Socialist tradition of James Connolly.

The other session is advertised as follows:

Che Guevera symbolises the struggle against capitalist exploitation in Latin America. He was one of the key figures in the Cuban Revolution which overthrew the capitalist regime.Today, never before has there been so much poverty in the world. A tiny handful of people and companies own the worlds wealth.

Socialist Youth is the youth wing of the Socialist Party. It was established to give young people a chance to fight back and defend their interests.

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