Why Are We Not Letting You Into the Book of Kells?

Date: | 2024 |
Organisation: | Trinity BDS |
Type: | Leaflet |
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Commentary From The Cedar Lounge Revolution
18th March 2025
Many thanks to Patrick Keegan, chair of the Trinity College Dublin Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) campaign, for sending us this leaflet from their campaign to force Trinity to divest from companies complicit in Israel’s war crimes.
In February 2024, the campaign occupied the Book of Kells visitor centre in Trinity. This leaflet outlines the reasons for the occupation:
Why Are We Not Letting You Into The Book of Kells?
We understand that you may be inconvenienced by this occupation of the Book of Kells at Trinity College Dublin. We want to take a moment to explain the reasons behind this action and why it’s so important.
What’s Happening?
A group known as Trinity BDS (Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions), alongside Trinity Students’ Union has initiated this occupation due to our concerns about Trinity College’s connections with Israeli organizations, including companies and institutions complicit with Israel’s apartheid regime and war crimes. Our goal is to encourage Trinity College to cut all ties with Israel.
It details Trinity’s connections with Israel:
Which Institutions Does Trinity Have Ties With?
- Weizmann Institute of Science, which openly collaborates with the war industry. It has ties to Elbit Systems and Israel Aerospace Industries and supported the development of Israel’s nuclear arsenal.
- Tel Aviv University, which develops war technology, developed the IDF’s ‘ethical code’, trains lawyers to defend war crimes, sends Pro-Israeli delegations to foreign universities.
- Three firms blacklisted by the UN – Bank Leumi, which earlier this month froze UNRWA’s bank account, Shapir Engineering which has links to illegal West Bank settlements, and Energix, which has been accused of greenwashing, because it built the Golan Heights plant in 2015 in violation of international law.
An article in Trinity News outlines the occupation . Later, in May 2024, the campaign established a camp outside the building and succeeded in getting a divestment agreement from the University .
Find more about the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) movement on their website.
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