We appreciate submissions of any materials that seem relevant to the scope of the archive, either in physical or digital form.

If you have documents or other materials that you think may be relevant to the archive, we would be delighted to hear from you. You can send us digital items directly on our contact form, or just send us an email to make arrangements if you have physical copies you can provide.

We add new material to the archive on a weekly basis, so donated documents won’t appear immediately on the site. This allows us time for scanning, reading and writing the accompanying commentaries for documents before they are added, and also gives time for the discussions that often provide valuable context to the materials we post.

If files have been posted for or to other online archives previously we would appreciate if you would inform us when getting in contact. We are keen to credit others’ work or provide links where applicable.

Contact the archive to donate documents


Many people have kindly donated documents to the archive over the years since its creation. These are greatly appreciated and have been crucial to keeping the project active and helping us to expand our coverage of the Irish Left. Many thanks to all the people and groups who have sent us material!

Below are listed the many people and organisations who have contributed. Some have preferred to be acknowledged psuedonymously, and thank you also to those who have donated materials anonymously.

Áine Mannion; Alan Kinsella, Irish Election Literature ; Alan Mac Simóin; Andy Snoddy; Ber Grogan; Bobcat; Brian Hanley; BH; Budapestkick; Catherine Murphy, T.D.; CATU Belfast ; Ciarán; Ciarán, Crá Croí Cois Cuain ; Colm Breathnach; Conor Kostick, Independent Left ; Conor McCabe; Damian O’Broin; Daniel Finn; David Convery, Irish Centre for the Histories of Labour and Class; Des Derwin; Eamonn Walsh; Éirígí activists ; Fergus White; Irish Communist Party; Irish Socialist Network; Jim Lane; Jim Monaghan; JM; Joan Collins, T.D.; Joe Mooney; John Cunningham; John Hedges; John O’Neill; Ken MacLeod; Kevin Humphreys; Laura Broxson, NARA ; Laurence Cox; Leveller on the Liffey; Liam Cullinane; Liam O’R; Mal; Marcus O Cadain; Mark P; Master McGrath; Mervyn Crawford; Michael Carley; Michael Cunningham; Michael Taft; Mick Ahern; neilcaff; Niall Meehan; NollaigO; Orla Drohan; Padraig Mannion; Patrick Keegan, Trinity BDS; Paul Mulville; Peter Mooney; PJ; PM; PW; Roasted Snow; Rob Marsden, Red Mole Project ; Sam M; Séamus; Seán Patrick Smyth; Seán Prendiville; Seó; SM; Socialist Party of Great Britain ; Spáilpín; TG; The Socialist Party ; The Workers’ Party ; Tom Hayes; Tommy Graham; Tony Novosel; Tony Williams; V. Boyhan; Workers Solidarity Movement