Green Party
Irish Name:Comhaontas Glas
Years Active:1981
Other Names:Ecology Party  (19811983)
Green Alliance  (19831987)
Groups & Sections: InfoGreen Party in Northern Ireland  (1983) … Sub-group/Section/Tendency
Young Greens  (2002) … Youth Organisation
  Documents in Archive:6
  Publications:An Caorthann
  International Affiliation:Global Greens (2001)
  European Affiliations:European Green Party (European Party) 
Greens–European Free Alliance (European Parliament Group) 
Timeline:View in the timeline of the Irish left
Discuss:Comments on this organisation


The Green Party was founded in 1981, initially as the Ecology Party. It became the Green Alliance, or Comhaontas Glas in Irish, in 1983, then the Green Party in 1987 (retaining the same Irish form). The party eschewed having an official leader until 2001, when Trevor Sargent was elected leader.

It has had elected representatives at local, Dáil and European levels, and in 2007 its then six TDs formed part of the coalition government with Fianna Fáil. When the government collapsed in 2011 all sitting Green TDs lost their seats in the subsequent election.

Other names, groups or sections

  • Green Party in Northern Ireland

    Green Party in Northern Ireland

    The Green Party in Northern Ireland was established as the Northern Ireland Ecology Party in 1983. Previously independent, it became a region of the Irish Green Party in 2006.

  • Young Greens

    Young Greens (Óige Ghlas)

    The Young Greens is the youth wing of the Green Party in Ireland, North and South. It was founded in 2002.


Green Party

WikipediaGreen Party (Ireland) 

Green Party in Northern Ireland 
WikipediaGreen Party in Northern Ireland 

Young Greens 
WikipediaYoung Greens (Ireland) 


  • Previous Green logo.


Show: By publication | Chronological list


A list of known publications from Green Party, including those not represented in the Irish Left Archive collection.

Caorthann, An: Green and alternative info and ideas19941998Green Party
Green Light19901996 c. [Irregular]Green Party in Northern Ireland
Green Newsletter1990 c.1996 c.Green Party
Green Party Newsletter1990 c.1991 c.Green Party in Northern Ireland
Green Voice19971999Green Party

External Resources

An Caorthann Archive

An Caorthann - Irish Green Magazine Archive

Digital archive of An Caorthann (Rowan Tree), published in the 1990s.

Election Literature & Leaflets

Irish Election Literature

A number of leaflets and documents from the party and individual candidates.

Election Manifestos

Irish Election Manifesto Archive

Election manifestos from national, local and European elections.

Programmes for Government

Irish Election Manifesto Archive

The programmes for government from the Green Party’s period in coalition from 2007-2011.


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