Years Active:1912
Groups & Sections: InfoLabour Left  … Sub-group/Section/Tendency
  Documents in Archive:31
  Publications:Times Change, TILT, Spectre, Labour News Bulletin, Labour Left, Labour
  International Affiliations:Socialist International (1951)
Progressive Alliance (2013)
  European Affiliations:Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats (European Parliament Group) 
Party of European Socialists (European Party) 
  Related Organisations: National Labour Party, National Progressive Democrats, Militant, Democratic Socialist Party, Sligo/Leitrim Independent Socialist Organisation, Democratic Left, Labour Youth
Timeline:View in the timeline of the Irish left
Discuss:Comments on this organisation


The Labour Party was founded in 1912 in Clonmel, County Tipperary, by James Connolly, James Larkin and William O’Brien as the political wing of the Irish Trade Union Congress. Unlike the other main Irish political parties, Labour does not trace its origins to the original Sinn Féin. […] The Labour Party is a member of the Progressive Alliance, Socialist International and Party of European Socialists (PES), while the party’s MEPs sit in the European Parliament group of the Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats. Through these organisations, the Labour Party is linked with the Social Democratic and Labour Party in Northern Ireland.



WikipediaLabour Party (Ireland) 


  • Previous logo, changed in 2016.


Show: By publication | Chronological list



Labour News Bulletin

Labour Left


Times Change


Related Material

Items about Labour.


A list of known publications from Labour, including those not represented in the Irish Left Archive collection.

Comment [Labour]19651968Labour
Labour: Official Organ of The Labour Party1967 c.1970 c.Labour
Labour Left1983 c.1985 c.Labour Left
Labour Left Briefing1984 c.Labour Left
Labour News: Organ of the Irish Labour Movement19361938Labour
Labour News: Official organ of Labour Party in Dublin South-West19651966Labour
Labour News Bulletin: A Head Office Monthly for Party Members1970 c.1972 c.Labour
Labour Opposition, The19251926Labour
National Youth Committee Newsletter1983 c.1985 c. [Irregular]Labour
Partisan, The1982 c.Labour
Socialist Comment19681970Labour
Spark, The [Waterford]19431944 c.Labour
Spectre1967 c.Labour
TILT: The Irish Labour Tribune1994 c.1997 c.Labour
Times Change: Quarterly Political and Cultural Review19942000 c.Democratic Left, Labour
Watchword, The: Official organ of the Irish Trade Union Congress and the Irish Labour Party19301932Labour

External Resources

Election Literature & Leaflets

Irish Election Literature

A number of leaflets and documents from the party and individual candidates.

Election Manifestos

Irish Election Manifesto Archive

Manifestos from national, local and European elections.

Programmes for Government

Irish Election Manifesto Archive

Includes programmes for government from Labour’s periods in coalition with FIne Gael, Fianna Fáil and Democratic Left.


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