Migrants and Ethnic Minorities for Reproductive Justice (MERJ)

Years Active: | 2017– |
Documents in Archive: | 2 |
Discuss: | Comments on this organisation |
Migrants and Ethnic Minorities for Reproductive Justice (MERJ) was founded in 2017 by migrant women in Ireland to campaign for abortion rights.
Website | merjireland.org |
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Our City: Support the Summerhill Occupation, Open the Empty Buildings, Take Back the City!
Dublin Central Housing Action, North Dublin Bay Housing Crisis Community, Blanchardstown Housing Action Committee, Dublin Renters Union, Take Back Trinity, Migrants and Ethnic Minorities for Reproductive Justice, Brazilian Left FrontSupport the Summerhill Occupation
Dublin Central Housing Action, North Dublin Bay Housing Crisis Community, Blanchardstown Housing Action Committee, Dublin Renters Union, Take Back Trinity, Migrants and Ethnic Minorities for Reproductive Justice, Brazilian Left Front
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