Irish Socialist

Years Published: | 1965–1989 c. |
Published By: | Irish Workers' Party, Communist Party of Ireland |
Issues in the Archive: | 8 Full ( 4 extracts ) |
Related Collection: | Music in the Irish Left Archive |
Discuss: | Comments on this publication |
Irish Socialist was published initially by the Irish Workers’ Party and later the Communist Party of Ireland, after the former merged with the Communist Party of Northern Ireland.
Wikipedia | The Irish Socialist |
Show: Covers | Chronological list
Full issues
Irish Socialist, No. 95
Communist Party of IrelandIrish Socialist, No. 96
Communist Party of IrelandIrish Socialist, No. 116
Communist Party of Ireland
June 1972Irish Socialist, No. 123
Communist Party of IrelandIrish Socialist, No. 126
Communist Party of Ireland
May 1973Irish Socialist, No. 174
Communist Party of Ireland
May 1977Irish Socialist, No. 229
Communist Party of IrelandIrish Socialist, No. 310
Communist Party of Ireland
The 'Holy' Crusade for the Corporate State
Communist Party of Ireland
May 1983
John SwiftThe De-Politicisation of Big Jim Larkin
Communist Party of Ireland
September 1984
John SwiftThe Fight for the Sixty-Hour Week
Communist Party of Ireland
July 1985
John SwiftHow the Bakers' Library Came to Be 'Blessed'!
Communist Party of Ireland
April 1986
John Swift
- 1966 - 1916-1966
- 1970 - Irish Socialist, No. 95
- 1970 - Irish Socialist, No. 96
- 1972 - Irish Socialist, No. 116
- 1973 - Irish Socialist, No. 123
- 1973 - Irish Socialist, No. 126
- 1977 - Which way for Socialism?
- 1977 - Irish Socialist, No. 174
- 1982 - Irish Socialist, No. 229
- 1983 - The 'Holy' Crusade for the Corporate State
- 1984 - The De-Politicisation of Big Jim Larkin
- 1985 - The Fight for the Sixty-Hour Week
- 1986 - How the Bakers' Library Came to Be 'Blessed'!
- 1989 - Irish Socialist, No. 310
Stephanie Allan, Hilary Boyle, Eileen Browne, Margaret Bruton, Joseph Deasy, Jenny Delaney, Niall Farrell, Denis FitzPatrick, J. Flood, Eddie Glacken, George Jeffares, Mary Jones, Avila Kilmurray, J. Lyons, Aindrias MacCraith, Padraig Marren, Noel Martin, Eugene McCartan, John McDonnell, Paulo Meranne, John Montgomery, Máirín Mooney, Eoin Ó Murchú, Kevin Murray, Seán Murray, Dermot Nolan, Fergus Nolan, Sam Nolan, Seán Nolan, Con O'Farrell, Michael O'Riordan, Lily O'Rourke, Cormac O'Ryan, G. Palmer (see Geoff Palmer), Geoff Palmer, A. Raftery (see Paddy Carmody), John Riddy, Jim Savage, Hanna Sheehy-Skeffington, Betty Sinclair, James Stewart, John Swift
Note: This list is not exhaustive. Only named authors with entries in the archive are listed here.
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