Socialist Worker
Subtitle:For a Workers’ Republic and International Socialism
Years Published:19842018 c.
Published By: Socialist Workers' Movement, Socialist Workers' Party, Socialist Workers' Network
  Issues in the Archive:5
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Socialist Worker is the newspaper of the Socialist Workers’ Party, formerly the Socialist Workers’ Movement.



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Kieran Allen, Richard Boyd Barrett, Simon Basketter, Alice Blake, Brendan Donoghue, Marion Gibbons, Simon Gilbert, Karl Gill, Brian Hanley, Nichola Harvey, Rory Hearne, Goretti Horgan, Margaret Keenan, Jimmy Kelly, Conor Kostick, Eamonn McCann, Paul McCarthy, Dave McDonagh, Eugene McDonagh, John Molyneux, Eve Morrison, Bruce Morton, Paul O'Brien, Julie Sherry, Kevin Wingfield

Note: This list is not exhaustive. Only named authors with entries in the archive are listed here.

External Resources

The Worker & Socialist Worker Archive

Socialist Worker Archive

A complete archive of Socialist Worker, and its predecessor The Worker, from 1972 to 2018.

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