The Starry Plough [IRSP]
Irish Name: An Camchéachta
Years Published:1975
Published By: Irish Republican Socialist Party
  Issues in the Archive:14
Related Collection:1975: Official Sinn Féin/IRSP Split and Republican Feuds
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The Starry Plough (subtitled with the Irish, An Camchéachta) was first published as the newspaper of the Irish Republican Socialist Party in April 1975. It later changed to magazine format with more sporadic publication.


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Caoimhain Ceallaigh, Deirdre Collins, Chris Donnelly, Peadar Dubh, Chris Duffy, Willie Gallagher, Francis Glenn, Tomás Gorman, Xabier Jimenez, Robert Lake, Dermot McBride, Alex McGuigan, Seamus Morgan, Kevin Morley, Garry O'Cianain, Jon O'Hanlon, J. O'Neill, Liam O'Ruairc, Gerry Ruddy, Henry Taggart

Note: This list is not exhaustive. Only named authors with entries in the archive are listed here.


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