Miriam Daly: Murdered Revolutionary
Organisation: Irish Republican Socialist Party
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An Camchéachta
Iúil/July 1980

murdered revolutionary

The brutal murder of Miriam Daly, republican socialist, by agents of British Imperialism is yet another attempt to deprive the Irish people of anti-Imperialist leadership. Like Seamus Costello, Miriam was to the forefront in the struggle to achieve true freedom for the Irish people; to rid this country once and for all of all exploiters both foreign and native and to vest the ownership of the wealth of Ireland in the people of Ireland.

We, the Republican Socialist Movement, salute our fallen comrade and pledge ourselves to carry on the struggle for National Liberation and a Socialist Republic in Ireland.

Cailliúint mhór i do ghluaiseacht na saoirse in Éirinn. D’oibrigh sí le fuinneamh, le dóchas agus le misneach ar son a muintire - go háirithe ar a son siúd a bhí i ngéibheann. I measc na laoch go raibh a hainm.

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    Commentary From The Cedar Lounge Revolution

    22nd May 2017

    From the IRSP newspaper, The Starry Plough in July 1980.

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